Kredki Prawie Jak/Elo elo BUSTED

Yesterday I was looking for 2on2 war , he(prawie jak) answered and gave ip with password.
After first minutes of play I realised that one of them is cheating.
He said he is clean/ never cheated, after second map we egoquited.
I checked demos and I was like wtf ?!
I made some avis + screens.
His clan "kredki [<=]" is playing OC Premier League.
Oh and there is smth that made me lol so hard, he added his guid with red warning @ clanbase XD.

Here comes the proofs : - red warning @ yawn / ip matches his cb account with red warning guid added "by mistake" guids from demo

His "new yawn" <- avis

1st - obvious wallhack.
2nd - aimbot + wh
3rd - changing targets a bit ( too low humain aim value imo)
4th - ermm...
5th - k

imo bimbot


Someone made topic about him in past :
i totally agree with you :D
nihil novi
kredki to te nynusie itp ? :-E
(16:56:37) —› topic: (× Kolorowe Kredki . × Lineup:Mtb, Freze, Yetti, Musix, Koziol, Nynus, elo elo, binder× Last war: vs Almost × 4:0 × Next war vs tba 00.00.08 00:00 CET We play in OC 3v3 Premier League)
(16:56:37) —› set by: (Kredki`Freze) on (Sat Mar 29 20:51:31 2008)
half of them cheat and everyone knows it excepct our bestest cb admins.

i hope it will be: we were forced and kicked out from playing in oc premier due to cheater abuse in our team.
he's polish so there's little u can do. Lot's of polaks share the same IP's, thus giving them red shizz whilst some even didn't do anything...
lol this bust is n1 joke :) Prawie Jak is clean imo
i dont see the cheats in avis
lol played against that [<=] adslkdnauiob and some guy called freze, we won beach but got owned on braun, after that they said 2low4us and left :d
Yeah, freze was playing with him yesterday too.
[<=] @ premier div oc, ok

gtfo kredki
[<=] @ premier div oc, ok

gtfo kredki
[<=] @ premier div oc, ok

gtfo kredki
i like avi`s
but those were bullshit
but red yawn says enough
low+ @ oc, et is dead :D

edit: cu @ lgp =>
oh wait u wont be there :(
polish ppl, when will they learn.

Like every day 30 new polish skilled clans are born in poland. Either they are breeding like rabbits over there or there is some recycling of players going on :D

EDIT: AVI 1,4 and mainly 5 scream busted
he`s still playing with clan mates gg
How retarded are the cb admins to put such polish randoms in OCdiv1.
this avi's show cheat - I don't thing so.
You should get demos from him, no from wolf-cam - lame.
I additional pls put sound in avi, how do you know that he didn't heard the enemys ? he ? (only oryginal demos bring true, no cam)
Ihmo next lame post. Pls show new busted which we don't see.
Polaks busted polaks - BORING
Yeah get demos from cheater - ez job. Like someone who is cheating would give you a demo with wallscanning, you think I didn't ask him to give the demos ?
Btw. you don't have to belive avi's there is yawn + warning and cb account with this guid given(he prolly thinks it's mistake).AND THE BEST IS THAT ON OTHER TOPIC U HAVE PBBANS.
Last I'm not a moviemaker but I can make avi ONLY avi without any effects.

Now stfu and be carefull or I will bust u @_@.

Or "I don't thing so."
I AGREE!!!11!!1! Ban me please, then I would have some free time to finish Half-Life 2 + E1 & E2 for example...
only 1st (really strange what did he do) and 2nd (crossfire was going always on head like something was putting it on head) videoes look strange, but It can happen..
exactly video skill - low
I like busts, but someone can first get video skill and ET skill and next busting
chelmianin hf 2 i dodatki wymiataja :)
LMFAO. Cheaters still being busted for this game? ET sucks. WoW owns. kthxbai
ban him in cb / esl destroy cpu
Someone tried to connecth im with this ip, it would be okay.. BUT he isn't only one with this ip, everyone in his net has the same public ip(you can see diffrence only inside the net)
kretki busted ? cant beeee :O should be banned long time ago ...
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