ET is gonna be PB less read..

PB has decided to drop down 1 game.. Caus it will take to much effort to update hole PB in this old fashion game.. They will first update PB of other new games.. PB will stay on ET but won't be updated so nC effort din't work out to update PB his database Read More..
i believed that 0,00002sec
oo srry i was boored:(
repair zeh link u retard!
sorry jobs done
how can u ruin 1 april:(
my joke was the best tbh
wheres ur joke
didnt understand topic
omg booya thats harsch...
omg ur mean
i wasnt joking
i already hoped that pb would drop ET. then we could get a REAL anticheat system.
like what Anticheat system u want??

stream - free account giving away caus et?
or uhh i don't know:( tell me :<
pb is just inactive anticheat program that will propably never be updated so it kinda gives cheaters free hands on making new cheats without gettin caught. tell me why should we keep it. i dno any other anticheat programs but this situation isnt good either.
if u just play PB - less the low - community will raise to med+
caus they will use nexus etc and that other free stuff.. and well yea PB bust that shit atm out well it may not bust out all cheats / cheaters but it bust some ...
well i agree their should be a new 1... but first u need something who willing to do that for a free program.. and it will time to write such scrips.. it will start with 1000000 buggs and every1 will whine.. omg nub anti-cheat program.. etc etc.. imo let ET find a anticheat program and let them do it and let some cheaters get on that configs etc...
and when its finished baii pb haii new anti cheat program
i agree that pb is better than nothing but it would be nice if it would be updated someday.
think its way to much work or they bussy with it i doubt it.. but we'll see
'better than nothing' hahaha

please think before writing this shit. pb detects basicly every hack in this game, except the private ones - which cant really be blocked by any anticheat.
you also wrote a fail book?
youre the master tbh
well so u on't agree a update of pb wouldah be naice..?
caus i've seen a update in ages..thats why i wrote it..
and i think if people serius wanna write a new cheat it wont be busted that fastly..

maybe read whats before it it makes more sence then
how should it be updated? it already detects every pubhack and you cant really expect it to do more.
i don't it will detect all pubhacks..
and well monthly their will be more technologies or other ways do screw up protecting etc..
name me one pubcheat that's undetected atm
I believed only the first letter of the thread title :<
pic doesnt work ...
ill kick you when ill meet you
ur that poppet!!
the picture in your link is called "april fools" so i better not click it
Dude when was the last time u saw someone interesting getting busted by punkbuster? SERIOUSLY
Krosan on 01/04/08, 15:01:03 PM | Reply

KiLl3rBoY<3sol on 01/04/08, 15:14:10 PM | Reply

so expected

A real update would catch players for hacking until the hack would be modified, but it doesn't even do that, it only catches Nexus or whatever shitty hack out there. Updates that don't catch hackers aren't really updates, are they?
and there was me thinking that no one could be worse at english than hummel
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