Show support to #X-RaY.ET - An anti-cheat system now supporting Enemy Territory.

You can read about it at http://www.xfire.be/?x=news&mode=item&id=2785

Let this be the beginning ...
is this the official channel?
No, however if somebody working with them wants to take the channel over then I would kindly give it to them.
Simonsays! go do dah park and difuus deh bom!
there is #xraygaming actually
I think it would be appropriate to have a channel dedicated to Enemy Territory only.
2nd dat!
et is SAVED BUT we cant paly wtih lags :C
something is wrong in your comment.
Unless X-Ray works together with I don't know...
maybe ET-ACE or so..
It won't be affective, since it only gets screenshots.. & those screenshots are allready being cleaned by the most private bots.
Also I've heard that it doesn't return most of the screenshots.. & sometimes it even doesn't detect ET being ran..

I do appreciate the effort, but it's useless atm.
Did you not read XAC? It scans your processes too so it picks up more than just screenshots...

QuotePart of X-ray Anti-Cheat's scanning process checks for programs that shouldn't be running. This can range from cheats through to keyloggers and viruses. If any are found, they will be displayed to you here.
Ok, I didn't read that.
But still this doesn't take away that it doesn't take ss + it sometimes doesn't even detect ET.
So why would it detect some other program?
I don't have too much of an idea about the program itself, but I'm guessing it detects the cheats etc by scanning for various strings/.dll etc, maybe ask one of the guys who developed it to give you a better idea:P
That is © by me kthx :{
isent it possible to fix those lags?
i agree with GaRg the program and idea is nice but it make me lag damn hard on a server.
actually, the programm just takes screenshots, it doesnt even sends them live. So it must be your pc
or server then did only one test on one server so will see the effect on other servers
what lag ?
No linux no use :/
agree ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³
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