
United Kingdom I (evan) search for a active and skilled clan with the intention of playing at a "reasonably" good level. A well known clan/name would be preferable but not nessecary.

Age 18
Classes Riflenader/engi smg (can play medic, i will do the job on the tin ie packup/revive although my smg skill isnt great, cant fop at all)
Activity Would depend on the clan
Clans See profile
Comms English speaking would be nice ofc but not nessacary, and im not a mute on comms ;> (I speak English only)
Experience? As requested by Finland Matias, been playing for about 1 year 2/3 monthes or there abouts although only half of that competitively. So you can expect me to still improve/learn.

So if you are looking for a riflenader and are willing to take a chance on a un-proven talent (who gets better everytime he plays! :>) then pm me on here or pm FlyingSnow|evan on irc @


Thanks for your time, yours England evan aka _evan / Flying Snow ?

image: shellie
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