looking for 6on6 OC team

As you might already have heard, deathless fold due to lineup and support problems - wish you all gl!

Therefore I'm looking for a OC team 1st or 2nd division (german or english).

I am 20 years old from switzerland and play et for some years now.
More information about my ex clans in my profile.

You can contact me in irc #deathless-et or just send me a pm here.
gl crAsh, very skilled and nice guy!

these guy is worth a pickup
swiss players are rare, gl!
gl crash
gl mate <3
Skilled 4 sho, take him!

gl crAsh
gl crAsh.. very skilld :)
GL MR.owner <3333
can I ask what support problems?

and gl
cryptic stoped paying the server :P
Just read the news at the homepage, only COD wil be supported, it will be a one-game clan again
read it, says that they are supporting only 5 games now; cod, cod2, cod4, et, ut3

but I guess it's true what snow wrote
lol... Like i said, they scale down the clan, they wont support any other game but cod
They told us via intern forum, though the main reason was a lack of suitable players.
gl :) , good addition for your team
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