greece eleos, help or bb [flag=gr] internet

i have a serious problem here (NOW THAT I DONT GET DISCONNECTED, NO PPL ONLINE NOW EATING MY RESOURCES >d). is there any way to force my router to get a lower connection instead of my usual one? i have a Sagem F@st 1540WG ADSL OVER ISDN + a Thomson speedtouch ST536i v6 (bought from friend). i really dont have time to explain my situation, its a long and whine story anyways, and its really important...
my goal: 384/128 kbit, everything above 1 mbit means no internet for me at all

if this doesnt work, im suing the isp

also: anyone knows any lawsuits of people against their isps that are WON?

basically what all isps say, is that they are updating their network, but here in greece, they (it (ote) actually) have been upgrading the network for like 5 years >o)

if both of them fail, i'll have to terminate my connection, and since this is greece, changing the isp wont help, since all of them use the same lines from the main one (ote again) which is 50% state btw and governs all telecommunications, other isps dont use their own lines, they buy them from the main one, they dont install new ones of their own

btw a friend of mine in the same town as me had no internet for 6 months (around 4 mbit like i have), did everything i ever did, also his father was a lawyer, he sued them and lost but got a lot of media attention, and after a few days his internet was back on (isp was getting a lot of bad press, because almost everyone who doesnt live either in the center of Thessaloniki or Athens has internet issues). on a sidenote, he spent around 1000 euros getting equipment/cabling/maintenance guys to install them, still, no luck.

image: 254007_2

ote is the reason Greece still remains a 2nd world country
also: i have no phone since now =/
Help me, i MUST download porn...
bibuy Greece internet!
re hell.. perimeneis apantisi apo autous tou malakes?

..kai btw..katse diabase giati etsi xazeuontas kaneis tin Greece 2nd world country.

ps. bibuy Greece internet!
thelo kana programma gia na mou katevasei tin taxutita (i na anevasei to noise, to idio einai).
sto den patao, pio malakes kai apautous einai =)

exo mathima se kana 2oro (DASOLOGIA), sikonomai apo tis 6 gia na katso sto internet na xaro, allios den paizei na katevaso tsontes se alli ora :)

bb Greece internet!

Just ask your isp to cap your connection to the requested levels.
Ask Toxicdave, he works for greek telecom
ramiete immanamu, malaka, pustis, putana, ade ramiszu!
Xezo kai klano sta mutra sou muri kariola!
luckily I live in Finland
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