Gamma / Brightness in media players?

I've noticed that with mplayerc / vlc, the movie is much brighter than it is before rendering in the project window, it kind of bleaches out the colors and looks dull. Is this in the codec settings and everyone has it? Because it was the same on my old PC. This is bad, cause if I compensate for it, the video will be too dark when it's uploaded to say own3d (stream).

(not so) random pic: image: vlcsnap-4346490140
pic looks great
without the popups it would look better!
yes, but you wouldn't see the following support kill then.
noob, u can activate later
yes, randomly appearing popups look great, besides, this is like 1s before the frag. dunno why you gotta be a smartass about everything, nonix
nice answer, atleast you know you're stupid.
maybe internet save u from my slap but u wont go far with this attitude in life , u little 15 years old kid
what attitude? last i recall you flamed me for no reason and I still tried to be nice, but you just can't, you fattie.
use mm mod and only active kills of the player :)
cant find it anywhere anymore, even on hannes' site
that picture is like : o
My ass is like (_o_)
great ass really
I have the same problem with every possible media player. Movies look a lot brighter than in Vegas preview. With my old PC it used to be the other way around so that the picture in mediaplayers was actually darker.
awesome pic
i see a spawnshield :o
when the pictured was loading, i was quite sure i was seeing canabis.
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