surreal seeks a new TEAM.

Since the last project was failture i mean ( pWs-PLaying With Style ) im looking now for a new team.

I dont need to post mutch things .
I just need a team who be in OC 1st or 2nd .
Im avaliable today for Tryouts.
I play medic/fdops & engi-smg aswell

more info's q/ me here , [email protected] ( msn )
#pWs.clan and q/ pWs-surreal

ty. btw !

If u come here to post a comment like " lal member of CF 3 days this is my new account and btw are u with douds ? test me and sftu

Gratz surreal.
wish me gl :<
lal member of CF 3 4 days
i sayd its my new account dont speak what u dont know ty . :)
I dont need to pos mutch things .

lal member of CF 3 days
what's your old account then?
gl m8 <3
gl n1 guy
Good luck ! n1 guy, great player!
gl gr8 player nice guy =) gl hope to play with you in future
Ye, good luck

Take him, nice player.
gl surreal
hihi soz about that :)
some players are realy arrongant :)
lal member of CF 3 days
again fucking tards plz !
read the fuck post and then speak somtgh !
tard's unknow's bitch's --'
1st of all: learn english
2nd of all: I copied it from ur fucking post
3rd of all: trust me, I'm more known than you'll ever be
1st- ya my english is bad and now ?
2nd- i fucking dont care
3dr- oke if u are just dont write more on low post oke :) ?
thanks .
1st: so u'r the tard
2nd: u should, trust me, u little autistic spastic sociopath
3rd: al1 also posts here and trust me, he is fkin known
where is al1 so fucking known? and while we're at it, what makes you think you're known also?
GHahahahahhaha :D:D: Dhahaha :D:D: Duber xD roflmao :D
lol known xD
Spree Mc... GTFO
gl surreal
lol, member for 3 days, i smell hax
plz i already say this is my new account oke ?
dont whine so mutch thanks.
old acc tard
omg lol mc ;D ftw ;O
QuoteIf u come here to post a comment like " lal member of CF 3 days this is my new account and btw are u with douds ? test me and sftu

Show me us your old account then. Tard.
try to find DynamyT
Oki, found it, but still, your not OC prem or OC 2nd skill tbfh
ur better than me ofc u are nop :)
dont say that . for douds tryout me and stfu :)
I didn't say i was better than u, please learn to read, u stupid prick, i said u wasn't OC prem or OC 2nd skill, And wtf is a "doud" ?

I suggest u go back to school and learn to speak English before embarrassing yourself further....
gl nice guy
im not english ..
a bit normal to understand ..
Duvidas ( in portuguese )
go to some translator cuz i dont know how do say it =P x)
soz ^^

pWs and the one man army - riZla ! ;]

gl surrealje
y riZla left that was the main prob ='<

i smell some shit
gl nice player
you are a failture
lal member of CF 3 days
again ? x)
it is my new account :)
OC premier/ 2nd Div does not compute :'<
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