LOLOLOLOL fuck me it's a big ass server XD
one pf and booom
50 slot server ftw, see you again tonight - i'll make the post later

btw, nice saying it was me when it was noodle :o
was hell of fun :)
have allies ever "won"? :o
Yep, plenty of times
looks really funny :)
Its Last man Standing Mode ? :-)

Looks great
lol looks nice :D

i always miss the funny moments :<
Gonna open demo and take a screenshot of an even funnier moment :p
tyyrd @ seeking > *

wouldnt leave me alone the bastard.
hahaha :DD
02:05 the guy above me was standing on me XD
UNder the bridge they were reviving for atleast 6 minutes :D
Fb at trans , reviving for 15 minutes :DDD
looks pretty damn funny :D
completley forgot to come back online lads, will definately be on for the next time you do it though ;)

hide n seek > ALL xDDD
nice one :)
can someone (in a nutshell) explain the rules of hide & seek on ET (im pretty pro irl)
Hiders gotta hide&run&revive&heal and seekers gotta kill them (aint allowed to gib)
ill be there agian you should do one tonight ?
gr8 thinkin m8, that way i can play :))))))))))))))
lol waki, did you tear it up too much for him ey? xD went off the rip did u? XDDDDD
U shud get a cam on the reviving under the bridge next time :D
I remember getting 50+ revives on radar, 70 acc with needle because of the bridge madness :D
try and get more than 73 revives matey xDDDD thats my record, and 85 acc or soemthing in the 80's xD
lol @ frost where that axis guy is jumping on the allied's head xDD
that's me, all the demos are from my pov except the first grush bank stuff (just saying cause some people dont realize that i guess :p) /attention whore
you never managed to get back on after the ip ban, i guess it didnt work huh?
I didn't do the banning but ok :D

Oh and you say trying, try connect, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to get in now :o
lol'd :D
i swear u guys always do hide n seek when im gettin drunk, although i wont be out till very late so u might catch me pissed doin hide n seek ;)
Woo I'm starring the first pic "DONT MOVE DONT MOVE"
Oh my god.... I am the ridiculous medic at 0:55.... -_-

image: 121758154800ce070607e
WHAT ? PANSY TALKING ? surely not !
And yet she did, and not only once.

See what you missed!! : >
try being in a team with her then :D:D:DDD
That looks unbelievably fun :O
I wanna paly too plx!
ye, you got past 4 normal bans, congrats... you still never managed to get back on after the ip ban at the end
whatever you say captain, thats why i saw you try to connect like 3 times after the ip ban? :-D
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