Vote !

Vote for the best pc.

A. slarto
image: datisyksikkvd7

B. h8m3
image: dsc00170ym5

C. shepherd
image: my.php?image=tornijavahvistincg0

D. Nikoo
image: fullsetuppv5

E. alexL
image: snc15340qp5

F. fuZed
image: dsc00352kg2

G. dropshot
image: jamang2ax3

H. fredd
image: IMG_0747

I. mist3c
image: 123rsb6

image: cimg0508qb1

image: IMG_6481

L. zenix
image: DSC%5F0365

M. tEmplAr
image: rofl

d. nikoo
lol? if u want that we vote for pcs, gimme specs. U mean pc places/rooms where pc is? xd
The pc's smartass
none i would pick Winghaven but u never put it on there
put mine on @profiel:<
rofl Nikoo nice cooling system
the tube guy ^^
L. zenix

templar u have a fucking nice pc man ! :PPP
makes sense to put my 200e powerpc middle of those high budget -mylly's. :<
slartton peesee > all
image: dsc00379pi0
image: dsc00385cw0

mine gtfo xD
2lazy2 make a pic of mine, it doesnt look bad imo
alexl & proteins, steroids.. even in RL he is cheating... GG
some extra protein is cheating? :D
then its kinda cheating to eat food aswell
so not true. It is clear you dont know shit about nutritions and creatine. The dose of creatine in that box is just too high for your body/heart/kidneys to handle without problems... It is not shown when you eat it and when u are young and healthy, but there are consequences of having greater risk of heart/kidney/etc failure when you are 40 or more...


It is not regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), which means there is no control over the purity or quality of what you are buying. (same goes for european union food regulation)

It causes water retention and weight gain, which could slow down performance in athletes participating in aerobic sports such as swimming, cycling, running, etc.

Because of swelling from water retention, there may be a higher risk of injury to muscles and tendons leading to sprains.

Creatine has a plateau effect, which means that after a certain dose it is excreted in the kidneys and wasted.

Creatine supplementation may be bad for the kidneys, especially in people at risk of having kidney disease.

There are reports of other side effects of creatine including dizziness, abnormal heart rhythm, rash and migraine headaches.

If you eat a balanced diet with meat and fish, your body has enough creatine so that you do not need supplementation. As with most dietary supplements more is not necessarily better, and most of these supplements are supplied in an adequate and useful amount in our normal diet.

and one more thing:

When creatine supplements were tested after activation with fluid, a disturbing discovery was made. It was found that almost immediately after adding water to creatine monohydrate that the majority of it rapidly converted to the toxic by-product creatinine. This held true no matter how "unique" the formulation was claimed to be, or the purity of the assayed dry creatine content.

In the past, some companies pointed to the virtual lack of creatinine in their powders, calling them "creatinine free". What was not considered is that the tests were conducted with dry creatine monohydrate. Once fluid is introduced, creatinine conversion occurs.

A number of negative side-effects can arise from increased creatinine levels, among them; stomach cramps and bloating, diarrhea, indemia, water retention, dehydration, headaches, liver and kidney problems and creatinine poisoning. These side-effects are caused by the body's internal self-defense mechanism reacting to save itself from the ingested toxins by diluting it with water.

what is creatine

HAPPY EATING :) since its the same as eating normal food
Then i will enjoy cheating irl
I dont see any steroids and proteins are same as milk, cheese, meat etc... body just takes advantage of protein powder much quickier
congratulation on the ability of resize!
gtfo you pushed my thread down :'(
i want in the vote tooo
what with my pc? >(((
For a fucking post.
the guy with the awesome tube cooling system, nikoo i think :D
J the best!

btw: templar wiekszegp biurka nie mogles djebac xD
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
everyone who want to be in the vote send a PM with pic !
<3 templar :)
F. fuZed ofc :>
i lub u bunny <3 ! :>>>>
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