FPS Problem

Hi all,

Well i got a lil problem with my FPS.
My cfg was kinda boring with ugly Quality so i searched for a config with better quality.
I found one and replaced only the Graphic settings and tried it in game and always have 60 FPS steady atm :/ dunno what i can do about it my com_maxfps is 125 and if you want to see my system look at profile.
If i need 2 add the part of config tell me.

Hope someone can help me.

Greetz Phanty
your fps is the same as your screen refresh rate
try to change the r_swapinterval command
Turn vsync off in your drivers and set your display to a higher Hz

also look if there r_swapinterval "1" and set it to 0
what means _swapinterval 0
It's ET's vsync

1 = on
0 = off
lol the dif between 1 and 0 ... thats was just the thing i did knew. ..

what is vsinc // r_swapinterval
Basicly if you have your Monitor set to, lets say, 100hz it makes the game only display 100 frames per second (Hz is same thing) hence it synchronizes the FPS of the game toyour displays refresh rate (Hz)
that sounds cool ... mine is 125 Hz ... but w/e i still dont understand what r_swapinterval "1" stands for :P
It turns on the syncing of your fps ingame to your refresh rate of your monitor (Hz)
ok ... tnx ;)

other question ..
with the advanced 3d settings @ Nvidia console .. when i change some things (like tripple buffering, anastropihc filtering and antialysing gamma correction) in this controlpanel/console, is it possible to reach a higher Hz @ Higher R_mode(resolution)
if you have a crt monitor you should get higher Hz @ lower r_modes
Look up your monitor on google or just set your dektop to the resolution and change the hz in the monitor options then check on the onscreen diplay of the monitor if its actually showing that hz
already tried ...
when i play r_mode 6 i play a lot better :D on b4 supply etc .. but when i go radar or grush its like laglaglaglag...
i play r_mode 6 with a highest Hz of 85 ..
now i play r_mode 4 with 125Hz (stable 125 fps all maps)
but i prefer r_mode 6 since i just play better when i have it :P..

im getting a new pcscreen in little time so prolly ill have better fps after that ... idontthink it will change much but it would be nice to have 100 fps ingame..
8gb + xp = epic win
it's 4 atm X) still sucks though need 2 swap to vista 64bit X) forgot to change that one.
r_swapinterval 0, it's prolly on 1 in the config ur using now
Ye,mine was stuck on 60fps for months.Once i changed this it reaches 125fps,but 76fps comfortabley
ty for the help fixed :D
Still, go and set your desktop resolution to your game resoluten then rightclick on desktop, settings/ advanced/monitor and see how high you can set the refresh rate of the monitor (Tft usually 75/85, CRT's go much higher depending on the resolution) Then if you found the highest one that works put this in your config: r_displayrefresh " "
If your monitor can do 120hz then put 120 if you play with 125 fps, if it doesnt go that high then use 100/85/75. Hope that helps ^^
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