cms is looking for a clan

I'm lookin for a clan one more time.

you :

- stable and active,
- skill aroun' med/+,
- server should be hosted in europe, (i exactly mean Germany or smth)
- with a good coms, nice and clean, (yawn n stuff)
- VENTRILO !!!!!!!!!! :D

me :
- im 18,
- ex-clans at my profile,
- Germany/Polandbut i dont talkin/understand german,
- sometimes nice.

Contact with me /msg cmsASD @

me :
- im 18,

xDDDDDD lies

GL anyway
He turned 18 recently.
No, he did not, belive me
is was making a comparison between different Content Management Systems earlier this day.
"- skill aroun' med/+,"

H4H4HH4H4H4 KURWA OWNED wypierdalaj rozwinac real life a nie szukasz klanu jebany lowje

nigdy nie zapomne jak pojare miales przez 3tyg ze na starej CP mi 3hs zajebales :XDD
powodzenia ?
go make some movie instead of lowbirding in clans ^^
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