Zero.e Revolution!

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The Story!

Recently, our old team Revolution Aftermath, joined up with the MGC Zero Empathy and became Zero Revolution! However, after some internal struggle, a few players decided to leave the team cause they couldnt take some bad results. Therefore we are need of some players for our main Line Up as well as Back Up Positions. The needed players are listed in underlined mode

Scotland Sean (Objective Engy/Fops)
United Kingdom Tardler (Random Cheater Medic, copyright by Rhand)
United Kingdom DtSje (Medic/Soldier)
Scotland Gabt' (Supportive Medic/Fops)i
A Rifle/Medic
An Allrounder

Netherlands ReWolf (C) (Allrounder)
Denmark lazy (Medic/Fops)
Another Allrounder!

Of course thats not all which is happening and needed. If you are interested, make sure you life up the following expectations:

Expected from you:
- Should be mature (16+ prefered)
- Clear Voice and Comms
- Med- Skills
- Nice and active guy (available at least 3x a week)
- In for fun as well as serious business
- Loyal through toil and trouble

In return for that, we offer the following stuff:

Expected from us:
- A nice group of players
- Active
- A stable core (3 players been playing together for 1,5 years)
- Server
- Vent Server
- Competing in OC 3rd Division 3v3 & 6v6

How to CONTACT us?[/u]
- Crossfire: pm AimingRevolution or SeaN
- IRC: /join #zero.e @ Qnet and /q zero`ReWolf or zero`Sean

So dont hesitate and contact us today for this magnificent offer!
gl Gabt, nice player
Look at the Line Up, you'll see he hasn't ;) And thanks for the gl!
NABZORS 8), gl
We didn't leave because we could take some bad results, it was a whole list of things starting from a few weeks ago....

#1 No practice: No practice happening at all
#2 People weren't turning up to offis; We had to forfeit an OC game because we only had 5 people online
#3 Because we dont prac, we dont do tax resulting in us loosing to possibly the lowest clan in OC 4-0 -.-
#4 Except the people that actually left [And DtSje] , people didn't take even official matches seriously.

anyway, gl, maybe u can sort it out this time
I'dd add

#4 Except the people that actually left [And DtSje] , people didn't take even official matches "seriously".
No need to be bitter. Was your choice to leave - Let us be.
Quoteanyway, gl, maybe u can sort it out this time

i wasn't being bitter, just dont like u saying we left just because of a bad result, and now u know what went wrong maybe u can fix it.
Thats all part of bad results imo, so in a subjective way my post is correct. And in the end it was your own choice, so let it be, you dont need to add more.
I wish you gl as well.
Yes, you were (technically) right, but these are the things which led to 4 members leaving, so i hope this time you can avoid these things happening/not happening.

GL getting players & GL in OC.
Shame.l knew that it was failing.
gl wolfje
ohohoh sean is a beast, gl <3
<3 thanks mate :)
GL guys! Very nice people and also very active
GL finding new team sean!
great guys thats y we took them :) gl getting the right players mates.
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