ET at Qcon²

So after the first thread by kot got closed and deleted somehow at the QuakeCon board, a new thread got now opened to support a potential Enemy Territory tournament at QuakeCon 2008.

Please keep in mind to give only constructive feedback this time. Stop just bashing ET:QW which leads to nowhere. Give comprehensible reasons for another ET tourny. Summ all the good aspects our game could give and please write more than two words which looks like spam to the admins.
yea future looks so bright for ET :)
Do you really think a topic that starts with

"Good game no ?

ET > ET:QW "

will get anywhere? ...
Well, at least the topic didn't get deleted yet. And this time a kind of dialogue instead of a spam attack seemed to start ;D
Haha. If ET is a game on Quakecon I will take a rowboat to china and whipe my ass with 2 kilos of wool.

It's never gonna happen, just face it.
stop hating faggot
Hater, die in hell.
if ET:QW will ever be more then ET was or even is, I will take a rowboat to china and whipe my ass with 2 kilos of wool
Dumbass, ET has been chosen at QuakeCon more than any other game, why wouldn't it happen again? I've never played QuakeWars, but I guess both of them should be seen at QuakeCon
eh? more than any other game?
Yeah, except for the Quake games of course
then it's not more than any other game, burgerboy!
With all due respect, it's quite obvious there would be Quake to be played at QuakeCon!!
Wish you a nice trip to china!
it was already 3 times I think.. and RTCW before that, so gtfo xD
faggot , fear the ET community !1
who cares quakecon ...
omg fuck off with this 5on5 shit we had that tested some day, it sucked, only crashed some teams... so pls sick to 6on6 or the whole shit starts again...

dont let this 5on5 thing come up again. everyone is enyoing 6on6 atm what whould be so hard to get one person more over there? omigawd.. :< go cry

if u switch to 5on5 again only for quakecon there will only be 4-6 teams which really want to go there and they'd be the only ones to pracc against each other cause i doubt other teams whould make that 5on5 change again.. its just stupid..
I posted! :)
5on5 > 6on6 !
I just clicked your profile, then saw your cfg screen, then dl'd your cfg and then saw you're using the same spawnscript like me. And since I have to update it anyway with new maps, your cfg is a great help for me :D <3
Very interesting!
I find it awesome actually ;D
No sarcasm by me here :)
glad you could use it :)
QuakeCon 2008 is brought to you by:
image: idsoftware

For me it's enough reason to NOT doing anything, since I think ID is retarded and they don't care about communities.
true, its ridiculous that on download official et page is a link only for et.exe and 2.60 patch :x
love reading this topic on crossfire and you saying dont Bash ETQW - then clicking the link and the first words writtern are ET > ETQW.

Sigh, the old topic wasn't deleted:

Anyway, it seems a bit doubtful that they would drop ET:QW so fast for an older game. It just doesn't make that much sense from a PR / business perspective.
Quote from T-Dawg on

QuoteBr1gand (and anyone else who believes this thread to be antagonistic against the RTCW, W:ET, and ET:QW communities), as Ceppy stated in his original post, this thread was to solicit feedback on what type of team tournament people would be interested in using the Quake games. The reason for that is that there are SEVERAL diverse gametypes available for the Quake games, whereas RTCW, W:ET, and ET:QW have very dominant gametypes, and are well established. We support objective-based team games, and will continue to do so. With RTCW2 confirmed, I wouldn't be surprised if we had another "retro" tournament to help promote it, like we did with Quake 2 in 2005, prior to Quake 4's release.

You'll note that last year we didn't have "normal" team-based competition. We figured that players might like to see a return of that this year, and were soliciting ideas. That does not mean we won't or can't have other team based games at QuakeCon. This was merely a forum to get community feedback, and the only reason ET:QW and W:ET were 'excluded' were that we kinda know what we're likely to do.

The whole game selection process involves numerous parties, from the Tournament Staff, to the Exec Staff, to id Software, to sponsors. It bounces around all those and eventually gets finalized. As of right now, we're still in the selection process, so the point of this thread is just to get some ideas going.

It's not exclusionary, it doesn't imply what games will or will not be played. So let's all step back, realize there aren't any subversive agendas going on, and try to provide some constructive comments within the confines of the topic.

Interesting... It's hard to tell, at least for me, what the second bold statement means. :o
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