games freezes #2

after my other post i decided to go to my pc company lab in order to fix my problem, i tould them i have heat problems and my games freeze
they made a full pc search and said the memory caused problem, and they said heating problems wont cause troubles to games and wont freeze them, since this is like the 4th time im going for them for the same problem, they agreed to build me a new pc if i will have another problem and we will switch

today cod4 crashed, like it usually caused, is it the fucking pc, after they did full scan and said nothing wrong beside the memory, or is it something with my windows? or whatever it can be

im gonna sue this fucking company...

thx for help
Quoteand they said heating problems wont cause troubles to games and wont freeze them

go buy ur PC somewhere else next time, these fuckers don't know shit.
they said if the heating causing problems, my pc/cpu will shut down, so aslong as my pc wont shut down, heating is not the problems(some kind of sensor)
is that true?
maybe.. my PC turns itself off if the temperature is too high..happened couple summer back while playing ET in hot room D::D after that I needed to let my PC cool down lil bit and then continue playing
i pc is going for up to 72C~ sometimes, and tought maybe the temp is still high and pc cant handle it or something, but then again they said pc will shut down if so
Have you tried to change your memory ? Are you sure you got needed cooling for your system ? are you sure that your motherboard is fully compatible with your other components ?
they said they found something with the memory and fixed / replaced or something, and not sure if i need cooling for my system ;[
How many fans you have? what kind of case? what are fan(s) rpm's ?
dono how to check :< i think i got 1 fan tought
Did you buy package PC or components ?
You should look how many fans or what kind of cooling is recommended for your components before you buy .. and at least here in Finland if you go to shop order your components they can recommend you some better cooling or cheaper components and tell you if some components are incompatible with others.. and thats not good if you dont even know how many fan you got on your PC.. especially if you ordered it by yourself :D
well i believe only one...(as it says on the order note, only mentioning 1 fan) and is 8cm one
but the problem is, does heating really causing my games to freeze? as my pc has sensor and will shut down if temp is too high
I dunno.. but it's possible as far as I understand about these.. but extra heat is never good for components.. I think you should have Graphic Card fan .. in the card itself.. and for the case atleast one fan.. and on the power one :D
dont lol to mah stuffz :<
[..] I think you should have Graphic Card fan .. in the card itself.. and for the case atleast one fan.. and on the power one :D

I think he already got it :')
Well (no offence) but he dont seem to be so smart (with these stuffz) so needed to make it clear :)
anyone also knows some nice sites where i can get some help with my problem? not expecting much of a serius replys here :'(
LIKE i had the same problem :X

just realised that my graphic card and mother board didn't match

so i bought a new graphic card and now i dont have problems :DDD
how do i know if mine matchs?
try to google..
well i saw the name and who fabricated my mother board
and then i saw the name of my graphic card and i notice that my mother board is something nvidia gigabyte something, and i had a ATI (g. card) , i did some experiences in others pcs and i realised that all the stuff worked well... so i decided try a nvidia graphic card and it work FINE !
Well use some diagnostic programs like Everest, for temps and system Info and download Memtest, to check your ram. Also When you know what components you have (just look in Everest) google them for known issues etc.
i checked with speedfan, but im asking if temp problems reall do causes my problems, not how to check them
The chance is not that high that u have the same, but ET froze for me, when I used ati tool or ati tray tools or something similar.

It caused problems with pb.(when it read out the gpu temparature)
i have nvidia gfx, and never froze to me @ et
Yes it can, my old pc used to crash, freeze and randomly boot when my comp was too hot. I fixed it with replacing my coolingsystem + putting an extra fan in it.
Well temp problems cause all kinda strange things :D Download Prime95, its a stability test, maxes out your cpu 100%, open everest and check the temps while running prime, just let it run for 30 minutes and look how hot your cpu gets. If it gets hotter then 55° you should get better cooling. That doesnt mean your problems just the cpu tho, still could be sth else. Run "Memtest" dor an hour aswell. and make a list of all your components and google problems etc. It could be a driver problem aswell, gfx, maybe not completley uninstalled before you installed etc, use something like drivercleaner and reinstall ur gfx drivers and then do a Defrag. If that doesnt help then I dunno, all I know is that after uninstalling important system drivers the iles can get fragmented so their barely accesable and cause the system to lag and freeze in extreme cases...
lol'd i get over 60, sometimes 70, but my company says its ok and if there will be too much heating my pc will shut down, and so its not the heating problems
true ??

(tested with speedfan, and temp1 says 60C)
Or it will freeze :> I dunno if thats the problem but you should fix the temps anyway, just looked up ur cpu and it said 71° max, prime shouldnt max out the temps on a stable system so get a decent cooler and maybe your prolems will be solved, also open the case up and see if its better. If you have a ventilator let it blow into the case and try to play, just do sth :S
got up to 72C, on a very hot day
wierd thing is, i played cod4 for a while, and bum freeze, then i played crysis(usually takes more power) and it didnt rly QQ here ;[
buy a good cooler
Sue them!!! gimmeh the moneh
1)buy a freezer and stick it to ur pc
2)stop dling porn too much porn causes ur pc to become hot
3)go kick those personals from their asses
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