TeAm-Echo is looking for a gaming or a sponsor

TeAm-Echo aka Echo ( is active since year 2006.

At the moment we have one of the strongest lineup in Echo's history. We are participating in OC Spring 2008 and have won all of our games.

You have seen us on ETTV and some of you can say that we are pretty dedicated.
Here you look up a list of matches of all time. I can surely say that it doesn't show our real potential.

Clan's skill is pure med, but as I was saying, we have more to prove.

TeAm-Echo is looking for a decent gaming or a sponsor who can support our clan with a necessary equipment (server etc). We can provide you decent results and popularity.

Contact: @ / prayer
E-mail: prayer [at]
i is looking a gaming on play too
seems decent! gl guys :>
lol. You dont have the strongest lienup atm. With disko members it was.
lol. if i were you i would stfu

if you dont know anything then shut up, k?
even the fact that you play there is enough.
Minu arust ei saa öelda, et disko vendadega oli Echo tugevam või nõrgem. Tugev lineup oli enne ja on ka nüüd.

I can't say that Echo was stronger or weaker with some members from Disko. Lineup was strong before and it is strong even now.
The fact that you respond here says enough
you have a beef with me or smth? you can't handle that there are better players then you?

stupid, i have even played with you along time ago some cup-games with mistec or luda or smth, fuck knows, and how come you were shitteir then i was?

you dont really get it, that luda played with you only because you know him IRL? everyone else seems to get it
sa paned vist veits teemast mööda juba.
mis otsast see möödas on ? sul on mingi biif minuga igalpool ju .

üritad olla ilge sk1ll3d[RUS] vend aga failid, ja siis üritad kõigile selgeks teha, et me oleme lowbirdid.
sest ma olen teie mõlema lineupi vastu pelanud ja on näha olnud, kes on parem. Teie seda ei ole, kui vihjet tahtsid.
ei mäleta, et oleksid meie vastu pelanud, kuigi ma olen iga prac kohal olnud.
welcome to fakenicks world.

Edit. See oli veel mixiga
well, ei mäleta kuna me viimati mixi vastu pelasime. Eriti veel praeguse lineupiga. Aga kui sa endas nii kindel oled siis ma ei hakka sinuga vaidlema.

+ ühest asjast ma aru ei saa. Sa oled ainuke eestlane, kes üritab teisi Eesti tiime maha teha. Edu ega muud säärast ei soovi. Ainult mingi low skill teema. (mina olen low skill, ära nüüd asjast valesti aru saa)

No offence aga mul on häbi, et sinusugune vend Eesti ET kommuunis on.
kus ma maha teen? Disko memberitega echo oli jumala okei.
Siiski mõtlen ma üldpildis seda. Kui sinu arvates disko liikmetega echo oli hea, siis ok. Praegu pole diskos ühtegi venda kes varem echos on olnud aga see selleks. (vb. raul aga ta oli seal vähe aega vist.)
Kuid siiski, see fakt on sinu kohta jumala õige, et teisi klanne/inimesi teed sa maha ja sõimad lowskilliks kes siis ei ole olnud kas eelmises echos või idles. Ma siiski jään enda arvamuse juurde, et selline käitumine sinu poolt on veits liiga imelik ja see jääb asjaks milles ma ilmselt kunagi aru ei saa.
satyr pani haledalt ära sulle
gl, nice team to play vs
I can surely say that infect is not the right man who can judge clans and members by their skill without playing with or against them.

It is up to people who are related with Echo and who have seen us playing. Because of that I brought out ETTV games. We cannot expect optimistic point of views from people who think that they know everything.
I rely on people who wish us the best. I do not want praise our clan or anything.

I hope there will be more constructive responses to this topic in further discussion.
I wish you luck =]

However you may want to have words with deCap about his posting style. I am not sure that attitude is going to go down well with prospective sponsors.
GL poisid
ok tulles tagasi selle juurde,mis sa mainisid infect : "You dont have the strongest lienup atm" ,aga kenij ütles : "we have one of the strongest " ..
Really nice guys and they will improve much if they stick together :p gl
I believe that team Echo is one of the most stable and reliable teams in Estonia. With a little support from some gaming, they will be quite successful. Good luck!
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