new pc, any good?

I'm going to buy a new pc, the things I can sitll use:
- case
- optical drives
- hard disk (78 GB / 365 GB)
- O/S (windows) + Office

things I think to buy ... : any good? 79 euro 170 euro 2 times 32 euro 68 euro 149 euro

= total of 530 euros
no vista so dont buy
id buy a new harddrive aswell since its so cheap atm
i still have one, then why should i buy another one =/
old harddrives aren't compatible with new motherboards.. you'll need a s-ata harddrive (dunno what you have atm)
well he could use his old IDE harddrive but s-ata is faster and they're pretty cheap atm
pc's are so cheap nowadays :<
mine was 1200 euros and was shit compared to this
(8months ago)
why no 8800gt? and why only 1gb ram?
was only readint the first title Oo dont understand the rest
I don't think so.
That chipset isn't very reliable and why did u take SLI mbo if u have ATi card...but don't take sli at all,since it's not needed. I'd take some mbo with P35 chipset. You can take HD3870/8800GT/9600GT, a bit better than HD3850. Also, E8200 is more than enough, E8400 is really not needed...
Agreed, any of the 650-680 chipsets are probably going to make you cry. Was very tempted to hammertime my PC because of them once.
get a P5K Premium or Maximus Formula.
Maybe go for a 9600 rather than a 3850, but a very nice system for the price. Maybe even break 10000 in 3dmark06 :)
done !
should be nice all together i think ;p
A friend of mine got the same processor, with a sapphire 3850 with some geil ram and he just about breaks 10000. Afaik 9600 is a very good card for the price and outperforms the 3850, but you may need to check that.
For the hard drive a recommend samsung spinpoint, very quiet and reliable :)
I have a coolermaster psu aswell, works great too.
Asus P5KC, P35 - 102€
Intel E8200 - 142€
Ram CORSAIR TWIN2X2048-6400C4DHX 2GB KIT with DHX cooler - 53€
XFX NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT 512MB GDDR3 DVI PCIe 2.0 - 141€
PSU ATX 550W Corsair VX (CMPSU-550VXEU) - 79€
= 527€ in Slovenia

* ram and PSU are low-end, i wouldn't recommend that
*2 you should take a look about your HDD. They are not that compatible anymore
radeon 3870 pls
worm tipje leg daar nog 50euro bij (vid-kaart)
en je hebt al Veel meer fps :)
ga voor een gF 8800 Gts ofzo :))

case; mmm alienware / of collermaster ;)
mobo is shit, don't take nVidia Chipset!!!!
if you want nVidia chipset 750+ (cause of cpu support and stuff)
take some mobo with x38 or smth
does 650i even support 45nm cpu?
rest is ok
P35 is enough atm
this is so fucking cheap! 9600 GT for 150 euro loli, in a month ill buy myself this kind of shizzle too!
inform me plz if they delivered the stuff and everything thing works nicely
As said by some others...the motherboard sux...

This can be recommended:

Motherboard: (If u want better quality and more chance of expanding your system)
Asus P5E ... Cant find it in that store tho(Even better quality, expandability and standalone sound card)

Great choice! (Might want to buy a better cooler....the box cooler that follows the CPU SUX to the max!)

(No reason to buy more expensive memory when you are not going to overclock!)

Nice choice.

Great choice!
(If u can find an 8800GT 512MB at around 10Euro more it will be a better buy)
n1 squash ^^
CPU what i've got

E8400 same as your choice


Asus p5k pro


xfx 8800 gt

2x1gb geil ultra ram
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