
Looking to buy a new monitor, price range doesn't matter and no LCD's (CRT's only). Any recommendations?

Samsung SyncMaster 931BF .. <3

edit..lul its lcd :/
samsung > * :)
i ve got a syncmaster 730 bf
ASUS MW221 ftw
image: img_6210_asusmw221u

edit..lul its lcd :/
CRT: iiyama Vision Master Pro 454 19"
LCD: Samsung SyncMaster 226cw 22" WIDESCREEN
Iiyama Vision Master pro
reaver!! still playing in muse you fucker :)?

btw, I prefer LCD > CRT. they are so much smaller and more beautiful :) the 2ms delay is so fucking small :p
its not just the respons time that makes the LCD worser for gaming :p
I went from a Iiyama VMP to a samsung TFT 22" 2ms and the adaptation is soooo fucking big the first week. After a while I got used to it but I can still see ghosting on the TFT.

It's just a fact, for FPS games a CRT > TFT :)
mjah ik heb nooit op CRT gespeeld, alé jawel ma 2jaar geleden ofzo :p ma toen speelde ek bekan nooit dus ik kan het ni vergelijken ma het lijkt me zo nen dikke bullshit e :p
yep still playing with them :) just won a LAN this w-e

well, indeed the lcd's colors are really better, but the refresh rate you can get with a crt is really better
:D on a même pas pu parler :/
bah vi :S, en plus jai du me barrer vite, mais bon la prochaine fois, ca sera la bonne!
QuoteCRTs only

I like you!
samsung SyncMaster 940BW <3
my recommondation: JOURNAL!
Samsung Syncmasters
samsung syncmaster 226bw
Vision Master Pro 514 (22")
EIZO 24.1" FlexScan HD2441W
samsung syncmaster 226cw!!!
Eizo is the best brand for CRT's.
Iiyama is not bad also.

But make sure you dont buy a CRT that isnt sharp anymore. CRT is EOL so its hard to find a really good quality CRT now.
ive got
21" DELL UltraScan P1130 (FD-Trinitron 0.24, OEM Sony G520)

image: 21-dell-p1130-l

iiyama, samsung, eizo, dell

basicly any CRT >17" inch will do. I'd go for 19", maybe 21". The bigger the screen in inches, the higher the refresh rate it will be able to get. My 19" iiyama does 120hz @rmode6.

Anyway, CRT's are the obvious choice for FPS. If you dont have enough room cause of the fat crt, try turning your setup by 45° to save room.
thx for decoration tips
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