Now Searching - Force'Gaming Expands & Needs Your Help

We are opening a few positions up inside the organisation with many competitive clans under our portfolio we are becoming to be quite a large organisation to provide esports clans the opportunity they need to succeed. With the growth of Force'Gaming, the staff here have decided to open up some positions. All positions are free, so no you won't get paid for your efforts, but can offer you a free bnc for your efforts. But as the organisation grows and as all the teams get successful, we will be getting a lot of media attention, you will be apart of all the great things to come. Due note I do not take bullshitters, liars, and cheats. I also do not deal with esports drama. Once I get applications in i will be holding an interview process. Below is listed the job opportunities here at Force'Gaming

please send all applications to [email protected] or [email protected]

Job Opportunities:

Title: News Manager
Description: Responsible for all up & coming game scene news. Conduct interviews and other news related jobs

Title: PR Manager
Description: Responsible for getting the media attention Force'Gaming needs. In charge of advertisement (irc, web, anywhere etc.)

Title: Operations Manager
Description: Responsible for communicating with all clans, making sure they are using servers, keeping Force'Gaming advertised. This person will also report to the main CEO's of the organisation. He/She will report biweekly reports of all clans and their involvement.

Visit us for info here.
hf, on the right place now
how much do u pay?
pay me, managers don't work for free ;)
tell me what a bnc is pl0x
nice description, gl!
Christ.. PR Manager, Operations Manager, CEO's...

Your turning to to =GK=, old random etpub team lol
jens <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<33< :D
haha :D hi there
gl n1 ppl
for some reason I hate this clan :D
The media attention your clan did got in the past are all because of the cheating sqauds you have
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