Two skillorz looking for clan !

Hi guys ! As u can see in topic I and my friend are looking for decent clan.


nickUnited Kingdom AUTR
age 18
skill med/med+
class medic

nickEurope ULT1MATE
age 18
skill med/med+
class eng rifle

Besides we are both able to speak United Kingdom fluently
That's all about us,but if u need more info contact us on crossfire or #noskillzz


P.S : No 2 week clans, no flamorz , whinorz or unmatured players.
smellz like h4x
some unkowns with no history med/+ i would say ''k''
some unkowns with no history med/+ i would say ''k''
some unkowns with no history med/+ i would say ''k''
....i would say "k"
gl ^^

excuse me


who the fuck are you?
some unkowns with no history med/+ i would say ''ok lold"'
this is poland, yo.
Mam to w dupie, :DDDDDDDDD
shake ya body!
med+ and never never heard of them ... ilold
Europe / United Kingdom ?

Smells like Poland to me.

GL anyway : - )
GL ultimate
anyway gud lak chlopaki moje kochane Miski kurewki jebane! : DDDDDDDDDDD
who med+ kk noway bb
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