dIVINt`sj33 busted *Read Bulldog read! *

After research found this about the low- player sj33 playing for the clan dIVINt.

dIVINt how low can you go with players like this :'(
|Current Name: sj33 |
|Old Name: Shanix |

Clanbase Account: http://clanbase.ggl.com/personinfo.php?pid=6844138

Now the facts!

http://www.punksbusted.com/cgi-bin/membership/rpi.cgi?par=8cf7b499f9c562900a1ac7b212761cbf&page=first&search=GUID&query=SearchFirst looking at yawn no worries.


When you look further you see page 5 will get red :).



-- Link under warning:


IP Address: 217.123.241.***
Location: The Netherlands, Raalte

When you look up the IP from sj33 of the most recenct name you see the IP matches.
And thats the end of your ET / Clan story ;(


Please ban this asshole for guidspoofing and using ETH32 like you see on the guid @ psb.


famous & sweex
lekker sweex!!!! :D <3
canihazbustburger now :'(?
Who cares?
the sexual herrassment panda?
lol they are just retarded!
?? he busted by buldog?? not yet:P
sweex dont have live?:P
its a bust ! confirmed and being banned.
keep em' coming bulld0g! <3
hmmm he wasnt suspicious when i was playing with him
because he has rs_aim set to 0 :P
maybe he wasnt suspicious but u are surely :D
gtfo sweex, cheater busting cheaters.
low- busted cant be lolo
yes could be but last time i played vs him with some other retards and i thought they are also in the clan dunno. but we ownd them even when they did some refabuse like put one of our players spec, change the time and think we wouldn't realize it and so on.
if this was the only member of this clan i feel sorry if i offended someone
ok then it was a mix i think
I think it was mix.. because sweex changed time with rcon always ;)
haha he dont cheats i played with him he got a acc of 30 =)
N1, still a bit of irony enters my brain seeing famous & sweex busting people :D
sweeex u was busted 5 times why u all time playing ET?:P
I dunno..

who's sweex
:D hi2u sweex fakeaccount 2 days old

Have Fun, With your ban, Lowbobed hurensohn!
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