
Hoi, I'm looking for a new clan. I prefer a clan that exists already for some time.

Ex-clans: uniQue Vision, Krauts, quAntocius, Sublime/Overdose, Morrigu/Overload.

Looking for a clan that plays atleast OC premier and has some known players in it.

Contact me here at crossfire or at irc.

BB4L`ins @ , #dystopia.

33 en #ec4
u are???
oh w8 i get it ur saying this so he wont join ec4 but ur clan right???
plz die a horrible death of lepra
HAHA you failed so hard, rly incredible.
u are?
and sorry dont even get that
try make a original reply
QuoteHAHA you failed so hard, rly incredible.
mature :)
im not gonna try to diss u out and make u cry
oh plz, try
you fail cheater :'( Its time for you to change nicks / guids etc, everyone knows you are a botter (and you seem to have the right dutch 12 year old attitude)

ps: Dont forgot to delete your etkey when changing guids!
pps: reset your inet connection to get a new ip
funny guy not im not even cheating so why would i change nick and stuff???
dont have anything to proof to u retard but i am going to cdc5 with ec4 and my cheater reputation???thank killerboys avi for that

take it like a man plz. stop lying to yourself
take it like a man :S
1st off if ur such a man dont say i cheat and stuf and mind ur own fucking busnis
lying to myself?? get fucking proof before u accuse some1
u never played with or vs me
once again you fail:

Quoteu never played with or vs me

Yes, I did. You once played in a mix with me. We even paused the game and kicked you.

Quotelying to myself?? get fucking proof before u accuse some1

Mmm, another selfbust. You ask for proof? I heard this story before ...

a lot

and they all got busted in the end. Its not cause you got a private and punkbuster doesnt kick you that it isnt obvious to 99% of the players that you are obviously aimbotting.

But hey, lets get back to the topic. When will you change nick? Ppl start knowing you as aimbot parra who can go from low- to high+ with the push of a button :'(

ps: stop the attitude. were no longer in highschool, you dont have to be though for people to accept you. you can drop the nigga in the getto attitude now.
ah saw your profile getting an high score(8400-4000 in 1 round if im right)vs low+ its a cheat?
and cant i say u cant say i cheat unless u have proof???
and oh yeh the part about "being a man"1st of all NERD!!!
2nd if a man is being accused of something but there is no proof cant he stand up for himself???
if there WAS proof i cheat wich i dont i would take it as a man and sayd yes i cheat so plz dont act like ur wise or something go play dont whine and DONT REPLY BACK ANYMORE
"oh w8 i get it ur saying this so he wont join ec4 but ur clan right???"
made my day =)
that was just a statement of course he wont join
I so fucking love my random nicks :)
GL nice player!!
hi cheater
you forgot violence is bad!
go madsje!
you forgot to mention :<
good luck mr.weird3hs :P
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