german crimes searching german players

ClanName: German Crimes
Clantag: GC
number of members: 6 + 3 inactive
number of squads: 1
Leagues: esl,evtl liga4fun und cb
train times: sunday,monday,wenthsday 20hour
communication: TS2, irc, ventrilo eventually
IRC-channel :#gc.pi
HP : "under construction"
Server: 1 warserver , ts2
misc. :

expectations to players
age: 16+ (maybe exceptions, reffering to the brain .. )
Skill : med- - high
experience: yes pf course
required communication-programs :icq or xfire, TS2, maybe irc
costs: none - completely free
internet connection: doesn't matter as long as you don't lag
absolute compliance with train-times?: yes
how often online: at train times and wars; if prevented, contact leader
misc.: no flamers, no cheatersand, no ex-cheaters, no whining kiddies

my adress: icq:235111240 or xfire: xxxmckaixxx
perfect translation from et-scene forum ;D
yup and they're med, be careful :s
:D too bad i dont have time at "wenthsday 20hour"
Player (6) Batlh, iiky., maddin, mAsl, mezz, Quaddy

gl iiky and mezz <3
hey guys since limbonic is banned from crossfire he cant reply to this thread

but he told me to post this:

qry Limbonic @ #velerion for a testgame!
Skill : med- - high

lol ?
you are not serious, right?

gl sweet.iiky<333
med-/high? ôO

or with hax / 360° aimfov
lol lowskiller..

max low+
never heard of you and you want to be high? :S
gl 2 iky anyway (<333)
gl german retard low+ clan see u in l4f :DDDDDD
med - high :D
med-/high :D
nice skill boost. anyway gl mckai
Skill : med- - high

MADE MY DAY, gl anyway
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