
Hello. Since i'm trying to speed up my system I'd like to ask you some things about overclocking. So what are your experiences with overclocking..?

- Did you ever overclock anything and what? (CPU...RAM..)
- Did you ever destroy a piece of hardware by overclocking :l?
- Any good advice you could give me
- Is it possible to overclock with a stock-cooler?
- Overclocking obviously makes you lose your warranty, should I take the risk :G?

System specs:
- P35C-DS3R
- 2x1GB GEIL RAM PC6400 800MHz CL5
- Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz - 8MB L2Cache - 1066 FSB
- ATI Sapphire HD 3850 - 512MB

Note: please do not even bother answering to this topic if you live in a world where you have 250 GB RAM chips and 1GB harddisks.

2themax, thats wut I did and omgzor fpslolboost
- once overclocked gfx but didnt keep it OC'ed.
- nope
- google > cf
- yes it is.. but if you're about to overclock cpu alot.. I would recommend some other cooler (also check all shitz from some overclocking forums that is your motherboard good for overclocking etc. but anyways Q6600 with G0 stepping is excellent for overclocking)
lelijkerd :)
i destroyed my E8400 because I tried to get more than 5 ghz :c

don't use stock coolers. get a proper cooler instead!
Aren't they @ 3.0 GHz normally? ;DDD No wonder you destroyed it if you go that far. I'm only planning to go uptill 3.0/3.2 GHz or so without buying a new cooler. If I would buy a cooler it would be an Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro.
ye :D but I got a new 1 without paying for it

dno I have no xp with quadcore cpus but I know that you will need more V to o.c. and they produce more heat.
plz don't do not overclock, and give me the money you save, thx :)
then the other way around...
you have a nice system... why would you oc?
- Yes: CPU, RAM, GFX, Mouse
- Not yet :D
- Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Test long (at least 12 hours) and watch the temperatures.
- Yes, but you can overclock more with better cooling
- If you intend to keep your hardware for more than 2 years, no.
Why do you want to overclock this cool config?
Yes , CPU , RAM , GFX , Mouse

I overclocked my AMD Athlon 64 3500+ to 2.5GHz (which was told to be unOCable :DDD) overclocked GFX to random value , overclocked RAM from 200mhz to 333mh ^^

Its still running :D
Got same mobo and same cpu and got an Artic freezer pro, np to get it @ 3.0 ghz
Q6600 is a really nice CPU to oc cuz of his 9X multiplier. Just check on google and try to find someone who already did same overclocking on your mobo
I'd like 250GB RAM
which games cant you play with such pc...?
Blue screen once in a while because of the mobo but this is what I run on standard pic btw. stock its 1.6 Ghz. mem is running stock because the mobo fucks up and I cant get more voltages over the mem... because it will break. xD
Overclocked from 800 FSB 1333 FSB and no real complaints, still works like a charm but I got a zalman fatality big ass cooler.
Why should you overclock that cpu >.<
- Yes
- Nah :)
- Really easy to OC atm, you have a good mobo : try :)
- Yes, with Q6600 it's really easy to reach 3Ghz even with stock cooling.
- Don't care about warranty.
- Yes, cpu, gfx, ram
- No, but obviously they wear out faster when they are overclocked
- It's easy and u can't really break anything, the system just doesn't startup or shuts down if u try to do something "bad"
- Yes
- Yes
image: superpisq8.th
p35 motherboards are good for overclocking :)
but you should buy a new cooler
- cpu, graphic (1st time i burned my graphiccard.. np4me ^^)
- look up
- overclock ur system very slowly
- yes..but check ur temps
- hmmm.. i overclocked my graphiccard and got a new one ^^
My e4400 is OC'd to 2.6Ghz on stock cooling.
(Clocked in BIOS)

GPU (8800GTS 640) is OC'd 25% on stock settings.
(Clocked in nTune)

One of my clan mates has a Q6600 OC'd to 3.2Ghz but thats on water cooling.

As Coldice said OC in small steps and run somethign like 'Toast' every increment, when you hit maximum back it off a bit and you're sorted =]
why to overclock? :ooo
you could better ask yourself why not overclock?
- It gives more performance
- If you dont go to far it wont use more heat.
- Its fun and its a sport, and its hard to break something uneless your r just noob.
- Jetro his motherboard an memory can handle 400FSB easy, maybe even 500FSB and the Q6600 runs 266FSB so it would allready give alot of perfomance if he just run it on. For example 6x400 = 2,4Ghz but the memory is running faster than and the motherboard also. But you dont need to have more cooling.

Even with stock cooling i reached 3,2Ghz with my Q6600.
Now i got 8x450 = 3,6Ghz @ watercooling ( not some cheap ass watercooling but custom ) its needed to maximixe the performance of my graphics cards. And ye with overclocking your Q6600 will downgrade, instead you cant use it 40 years but only like 20 years. But who cares? You dont use it than allready anymore :)

And warranty, they wont see if you overclocked something unless you can see it on the outside. You will just get a new one than.

For overclocking graphics card
RivaTuner FTW and test the overclock with 3Dmark06 Crysis ET:QW ET.
de overclock meester heeft gesproken!
hoi ik was laatst nog in enschede met goodie en rez op visite bij dino
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