need etqw moviemaker
during my time in etqw, i got some nice frags, i'm searching for someone to make a movie out of it, it wouldn't be a long movie, aprox 5 mins or smth.
pmme here if interested or at #overload ovr-XajP
pmme here if interested or at #overload ovr-XajP
gl! really skileld guy
bug hannes! :D
you cant make movies in etqw cause of the 30fps-lock.. that means no slowmotion = no sync
ôO rly? :D:DDDD
obviously. you need more fps so that there's something to downscale for slowmotion. if the source is 30fps and you use 50% slowmotion, it will be 15fps and unsmooth.
but u can remove the fps lock, no? i mean i played it like ~1 month and i could remove it ôO
there was a problem with that i think, since hannes or max don't remmeber said it's the reason there will be no good movies for etqw
We're talking about a different FPS than the frames your client renders here. ET:QW servers send 30 frames per second (lines of data bits) to the clients. Each frame is then used to draw a animation state, which means all animations run at 30 frames per second as well. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of idTech4 and in idTech5 they have looked into it and support 60 frames per second stable across all supported platforms (PC, PS3 and Xbox360).