Xfire exception???

i have some problems
everytime i want to play at ETpro servers, i get a Xfire exceptioin after i loaded the map.
I heard ppl has the same thing, but after they re-boted their pc... it works.
NOT at me.
This is the error i get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ExceptionReport Version="4">
<Application Build="31460" Command="&quot;c:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe&quot; +password etwars+connect"/>
<OperatingSystem Type="2"><Version Major="5" Minor="1" Build="2600"/></OperatingSystem>
<Exception Code="C0000005" Address="0A621113"><Module Section="0001" Offset="00070113" FileName="c:\progra~1\wolfen~1\pb\pbcl.dll"/></Exception>
<Registers EAX="00000000" EBX="01044F10" ECX="00000003" EDX="00000FFA" ESI="0A6210F0" EDI="0A601C19" CS="001B" EIP="0A621113" SS="0023" ESP="01F4FD40" EBP="01F4FDB0" DS="0023" ES="0023" FS="003B" GS="0000" Flags="00010206"/>
<Frame ProgramCounter="0A621113" StackAddress="01F4FD40" FrameAddress="01F4FDB0">
<Module Section="0001" Offset="00070113" FileName="c:\progra~1\wolfen~1\pb\pbcl.dll"/>
<StackHexDump From="01F4FD40" To="01F4FDB0">02 00 00 00 e3 39 60 0a 19 1c 60 0a 00 00 00 00 fd 0f 00 00 85 b0 2e d5 2a 4f 65 0a 10 4f 04 01 85 b0 2e d5 2a 4f 65 0a 6d 00 00 00 09 e4 5b 0a 2a 4f 65 0a 6c 57 5c 0a 08 00 00 00 5e 3c 5c 0a 01 00 00 00 85 05 00 00 df 73 1c 00 2a 4f 65 0a bb 02 61 0a 9c 92 80 7c 54 fd f4 01 64 f9 f4 01 b0 ff f4 01 08 06 62 0a 00 39 63 0a ff ff ff ff</StackHexDump>
<Frame ProgramCounter="0A5E3C90" StackAddress="01F4FD40" FrameAddress="01F4FFC0">
<Module Section="0001" Offset="00032C90" FileName="c:\progra~1\wolfen~1\pb\pbcl.dll"/>
<StackHexDump From="01F4FDB0" To="01F4FE30">c0 ff f4 01 90 3c 5e 0a 10 4f 04 01 00 00 00 00 df 73 1c 00 00 00 00 00 10 4f 04 01 2d 1e 60 0a 10 4f 04 01 00 00 00 00 df 73 1c 00 2a 4f 65 0a 10 4f 04 01 48 01 00 00 df 73 1c 00 2a 4f 65 0a 10 4f 04 01 50 06 00 00 df 73 1c 00 2a 4f 65 0a 10 4f 04 01 6c 07 00 00 df 73 1c 00 2a 4f 65 0a 42 24 80 7c 00 00 00 00 00 e0 fd 7f a1 ee 44 00 10 4f 04 01 00 00 00 00 24 37 00 00 45 a0 44 00</StackHexDump>
<Frame ProgramCounter="7C816FD7" StackAddress="01F4FD40" FrameAddress="01F4FFF0">
<Module Section="0001" Offset="00015FD7" FileName="C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll"/>
<StackHexDump From="01F4FFC0" To="01F4FFF0">f0 ff f4 01 d7 6f 81 7c 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 e0 fd 7f ed a6 54 80 c8 ff f4 01 a8 bd b0 89 ff ff ff ff a8 9a 83 7c e0 6f 81 7c 00 00 00 00</StackHexDump>

and yes, i tried to re-instal ET and xfire and i re-installed my driver

I dont get this error if i play etpub or something... only etpro

plz help me!!!!

Greetz Xaero
Maybe because you're playing 2.55?
i almost never play 2.55... so i dont think so.
i also have the problem at 2.6...
Disable In game messages (or whatever it's called).
also did, but than i just get a normal ET error and shut down
play ET without XFIRE,
have the same thing on my new pc -,-
just dont play with it on :(
also did, but than i just get a normal ET error and shut down
i used toget it when i played with it on, i turn it off before you play/open ET. what normal ET error?
send or not send i guess
xfire is a buggy piece of crap...
nvm all, i think its fixed... re-installed direct X
xfire sucks ! it takes half of my fps !
solution = dont use it.
Dont use Xfire while gaming = solution
Pretty simple to disable this - Just ask it not to detect ET or just disable xfire ingame - Either way, it should work, did for me.
lol xfire ..
xaero on 02/05/08, 06:47:15 PM | Reply

nvm all, i think its fixed... re-installed direct X

lulz xDD
Had teh same with Rainbow6
having the same problem everytime i opened SonyVegas :s
I have some options for the ppl who have the same thing:

1. Re-instal your video drivers and get them up-to-date.
2. Get DirectX 9.0c and instal again
3. Update your punkbuster manual (look pb site)
4. Go to xfire -> option -> games-> wolfenstein and undetect that
5. format c
6. /quit ET ( guess not what you wanted to hear... but its an option)
7. ctrl+alt+del and shut some process off... it seems that they are in issue with pb and than you get an error
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