
how do you measure how much of hunkMegs (the size equivalent to let's say 200MB) enemy-territory uses?
I see there is a file "hunkusage.dat" in etpro folder and to my surprise less than 50MB is used in standard maps.
Isn't it retarded to use 4xmore memory for hunkmegs then needed or is "hunkusage.dat" something else?
com_hunkmegs should be maximum 3/4th of your total RAM.

128/196/256 should be way more than enough
If I set com_hunkmegs 256 if have 80 fps + huge fps drops. With com_hunkmegs 1024 ( like I have now) stable 100 fps...
and how much RAM u have ? coz i have the same problem of dropping fps's ..
1024 :)

edit: you can read it on my profile too. ( Nice feature ).
so the point is .. if u have 512 rams => com_hunkmegs 512 ? and fps's should be stable ?
No. You shouldn't use more than the 3/4 of your Ram Size. I heard that it will not take any effect if u use more than 384.
ET never uses more then 256mb ram ... 384 should be more then enough

ctrl + alt + delete > processes
mine gets up to 300 sometimes
how much fps you get with com_hunkMegs 56?
Press, ctrl+alt+del it wil show you how much ram ET is using.
Dunno if that is what you meant.
well I want to know how much hunkmegs is used so ctrl_alt_del isn't going to show me that cause zone,sound and hunkmegs are independent...
isn't hunkusage.dat for it?
wtf is "hunkusage.dat" or "com_hunkused" then?
look at your hunkusage.dat
"maps/goldrush.bsp 38827456" - this is freaking 37MB now tell me what is wrong with people who say "set hunkmegs to half the amount of RAM in your computer" - do they have the same disease who say "set virtual memory size in windows 1.5times your ram"?
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