Headshots.es becomes international

The main ET&RTCW spanish competition site in Spain, Headshots.es, open his doors to all the international community.
Please check our (nearly) translated site :)


Note that we have a unique public ranked server system with montly prices, and this and all our competition servers runs a guid checking and registering system, to avoid cheaters and fake players.

Please forgive the translations errors (and please report them xD) while we prepare all for the next competition.
Enjoy now our Ranked server and compete for a 30$ Steam game and a 3-month suscription to FilePlanet each month ;)

Competitions will have also free servers, web hostings and ts2 servers as well as other prices for the winner teams.
More info on site.

Thanks a lot
lol mangu :)
Sounds interesting. GL
news imo
gl seems a good idea :)
Nice I'd say.
interesting & nice :)
good to see stuff like this happening.

all community-boosts are more than welcome
Very Nice ! :D
suerte con el proyecto :D
Welcome 2 th3 mangOcAp!!!!! ;)
mmm, well tbh as always:

1) u dnt have unique ranked system shit or whateva, its just vsp stats

2) u r claiminig that your server is cheating free, but u are showing full cl_guid of any player playing there (example: http://ranked.headshots.es/pub/themes/bismarck/playerstat.php?playerID=9B20A50C4E12EB99F3E72B6404B50360&config=cfg-default.php ), so finally u r system has failed and whats more your admin lvl from etadmin can be used

3) your system with registering is nice as an idea, but on busy servers propably it will case problems (is your server busy?)

Finally, u just failed as punkbuster admin. You can join the gay-retard team with foxdie and maydax or propably u are already thats why u got admin status @ pbbans ...
i think they will install acpro 2.1 soon :)
hehe, imo they should apply mine fix for hiding full cl_guid from vsp stats (which is in the same place as the acpro), but they do not know about it neither ;). Shame on admins!

1) Do u know any other "ranked" ET server? (Ranked= players have points and rewards that keep saved at different games and servers) Then it's unique. Yes, we use VSP stats to SHOW results, but we will share points and rewards across more servers...

The idea is running "ranked mode" with more servers, we are testing, but prices just for playing are out there already, not bad for a full free game and registration.

Any no-cheater player can win with zero cost to him. Ever a good deal IMO :)

2) YES we show full cl_guid on vspstats, the pb_guids aren't "spoofeable", at least not at PB level so no need to hide. Anyway we will change it to show only 8 digits at any moment if it makes you feel safer (yep, using ur fix, thx 4 that). Anyway I think that is the etadmin mod the one that need to be fixed, as full guids are out there all the time (U only need to host a ET server to get full guids of all players connected)

And we don't use etadmin at all.

3) With the server tested at full 40 players we have not seen any problems. Guids are checked and players can join and play nicely.

It's just easier blaming on others work instead of helping them to improve it. I don't know if it's your style, but it really sucks.:P

You don't know me at all, so I figure you blame anybody registered on PBBans.

We are opened to help on improving our system. Nobody said that it's perfect, it's just a start... Some people on etpro team are helping us with the LUA also.

You don't know me at all, so I figure you blame anybody registered on PBBans.
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