Another bimbot user busted

87.205.204.*** Poland (Warsaw) 2008-03-13 08:15:58.0 (GMT+1) 2008-03-13 08:15:58.0 (GMT+1)
87.205.174.*** Poland (Warsaw) 2008-02-19 11:15:25.0 (GMT+1) 2008-02-19 11:15:25.0 (GMT+1)
83.5.163.*** Poland (Pruszków) 2008-02-09 15:47:07.0 (GMT+1) 2008-02-09 15:47:07.0 (GMT+1)
There was also cdap|vinc0 or something like that. Don't know him but some of you might.
Another bimbot user PL busted
the anti-cheat movement is gaining strenght every hour.
Spearhead >> Killerboy
Can i make a bind? xd
Sure thing ;)
random :<
Who cares, the point is to make something, not only sitting on an ass
Parent many polaks busted
We played together on lan 2 years ago :D Name is teh same,yawn is kinda newish though, nice bust.

conclusion : some ppl reach for cheats when they get bored,very bad sign.
the whole polish part of et is cheatin' u can explain this polish boost?

i play et since 5 years,was 1 year inactive,came back and booom(no,not headshot :D) 19039034903490 polish guys in the scene.I think they got an offer in poland like

"U have no money?Get pro with our bimbot and rich like bill gates."
well thx to Sperhead: , those bimbot-idiot users are already busted:

image: tmb_5f736f6fc6d92a89687c0411f61c0c36

and etBot got detected some while ago (bimbot is leaked etBot)
Bye musCae revol!
w8 tell my whats bimbot?
can somebody explain me how it gets possible that many polaks get busted for bimbot? have pankbusted done a new update or what?
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