Medic/fops wanted

We're looking for an active, around med skilled medic/fops who can speak decent English and knows what teamwork is. You should be avi at least from sunday to wednesday from 19:00 CET to 23:00 CET. Age doesn't really matter, but since most of us are 20+, kiddie angst isn't an option. We use TS2 only, because of some lazy linux users, so if that's a problem then you better not apply. We have been around for over a year now (most of us have played together more than a year) and will most likely be around untill this game dies.

For more info contact me at #newfoundpower

EDIT: Thanks, we found one.
take me <-

lijnup ?
Lineup is Finland apeO, Finland Add!Ct-, Finland Amarant, Belgium cro0ked, Germany Fennex, Croatia Prophet, Finland sparrow, Finland Timpuri, Finland Vasara and Finland me. But since many of the finns are really inactive due to some thing called RL (what ever that is...), we need one more to get 6 together for the games.
Finland Captain Jack Sparrow?
No, it's actually Finland Major Chuck Sparrow, little Jack's daddy.
raah nfp recruiting. dunno if you remember me but i got a multikill in twl 3 vs 3 against you :> but lost the match :P
#newfoundglory any1? xD
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