Avi for an movie ;]

hi i just begon whit movie making (my english is verry bad)
kk well i would like to make a movie for a player that has his frags sorted out ill tell you what i can over you (my movie making improved allot)

kk i over you:
-high skilled cams
-nice Quallity
-and a nice + active movie maker

you shoud have
- nice frags
- i would prever a med+ or high player/players
-pm me here if you want that i make your fragmovie

here is what i can make and this is not even my best and the movie config is not verry good->link

im realy sorry for the bad english

Test clip dEzz
Test clip shmoe
To short :x
Quotethat hase hese

that has his

he's just using fonetic english, I guess learned from tv or speaking experience - if you try to imagine the pronounciation of the word he wrote you can understand the message
now i see , thnx4info :D
"a movie"
srsly what the fuck XD
You just started moviemaking but you want highskilled frags ?

kk i over u
u got the skill
i hope your keyboard is broken
LOLOLOLOL awesome avidemo test and ur english is also ok :)!
how much more can one add sarcasm in one line
you're soooo good
i beg your pardon?
he said he loves u
wtf a pubfrag ?

Nice promotion
not pub frag full mixed
are u realy 12?
My bro whrited this not me i fixed words
reply button ------------------------------------->
k zie m niet :/
go to trash
yes really i am 12 26 april
lol intuqk XDDDD highskilled cams, nice quality hmmkay.. upload a testclip.. i want to have a laugh ^_^
hij wordt wel beter dan jij heh ;)
en voel je niet aangevalle
ik voel me niet aangevallen, raad eens wie die humm3l movie maakt xD
Gl met die movie van humm3l
impressive clip

wouldnt recommend this guy at all unless you really dont care about your frags :>
Better then max, superboy, quaky and agon combined.
hopefully, there wont be alot of english words in the movie..
Age: 12 ( 26 April 1996 )

too young for buttsechs sry :M you wont fit in the mmaking scene

n1 egglish :<
Good luck!
gl, the clip looks nice :)
you just began and think you can already offer something highskillers might be interested in? quite impressive
pritty good
I'm interested, if I have time to look for some frags from my demos, but now I got to go.. pm me here or IRC (sandi)
his english is even worse than mine :XD
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