et_esp 1 ,hax ?
look at this pic
Player GUID Computed 22256a91ff56db7620b3da2797fcd92f(-) (slot #2) daniel
Player GUID Computed 22256a91ff56db7620b3da2797fcd92f(-) (slot #2) daniel
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
All the ot cvars are part of ET Visuals Hack.
MD5TOOL #9002 (etBot.exe)
Mine was a public version of etBot from around about 2 years ago that some thought was still undetected, I tried it on a Czech Public server to see and got kicked.
I just don't think its appropriate and a bit hypocritical to laugh at someone in the same situation as yourself
According to the clanbase rules you should be banned indeed. Players have been banned for the same exact thing in the past (not the ETbot, I mean this), with a PBban or PsB ban as proof. I'm just the messenger.. If you think the rules are narrow-minded, just don't play in any clanbase competitions.
The punishment should always be proportional to the crime, I experimented on a public,I never used a hack in a scrim or an official match and there is no proof at all to suggest that I did. I
f you asked the entire ET community, I bet 60% or over would also have experimented at some point with a public hack, and there would be some very well known names in that list.
All there is are a couple of kck messages from two public servers, no-one has ever taken a demo of me hacking or a PBSS.
I will also be attending a fun LAN in the UK in March.