
He is well know for being a retard (how the fuck did he become CB admin ?!?!).

His friend netik recently got busted for bimbot.

It seems Belgium critik cheats as well...

Judge by yourself : Demos

I let pro moviemaker make an avi as I'm too lazy to do it. I'll edit if there are some

Quotej'voulais vous dire que la team uGaming va s'arreté la, nottament a cause du bust de nEtik parce que c'est un super pote et continuer sans lui les uGaming's c'est pas possible y m'aidais vachement beaucoups...

In english (trying to keep the langage skill ^^), it should be something like :

Quote Wanna say that uGaming team will stoppe here, one of the rizons is nEtik bust becoze he is a good friend and continue without him the uGaming's it's not possible he helpped mi so really much a lot...
Yes,he is a complete retard.I cant see demos in work,are they obhious>?
Take frosbite 7min32
Its just an example, but all the demo is so...
looks whos talking :D
his 4 xray screenshots are!!!!11
he gave demos ='(
or you mean there is no proof in the demo :o
i'm too lazy to dl and watch them want a movie.
thx for ultimate installer m8

Shit aim and brainless like a donkey
" Wanna say that uGaming team wil stoppe here, one of the rizons is nEtik bust becoze he is a good friend and continue without him the uGaming's it's not possible he helpped mi so really much a lot... "

Quote by (trying to keep the langage skill ^^)

you failed... hard.

n1 mr editer.
Quote(trying to keep the langage skill ^^)

Get brain and try to understand humor.
His french is a shame, I tryed to underline it in order non french speaking readers notice it.

n1 edit
QuoteHis french is a shame, I tryed..

Learn french, you will get hit.
I lost an eye when I read his topic on his website
hmm , with the netik bust some1 said that critik would follow.. well you should be the next uri geller or smth :<
are you french? because your english looks like a product of a frenchman
what don't you understand?
laisse tomber ils n'ont pas compris ton humour
where is the humour in that?

his very first sentence has errors and there are more, and if he tried to translate bad french into bad english, how the fuck did "cause" become "rizon" and "parce que" -> "becoze"
to use rizon or becoze is a part of humor. Try to get it.
not really, how can it be a part of humour if he actually got those words right?
well what's the problem anyway? are you an english teacher? i doubt you are, but hell yea i totally forgot, the internet is a serious business
frenchies unite!

well obviously internet IS serious business since you got all worked up about my flaming some random

and to elaborate, if you're gonna flame someone because of his language skills, be prepared to be flamed for yours
random attempt to be funny?

failed copycat
atleast i dont try to give english lessons when i look dumber than a can of pepsi.

pédé de negre
I'd reconsider what I've just said if I were you

where do you see my giving out english lessons? quote me please! and you couldn't give out english lessons even if you wanted to

idiota stupido
I'll take that as a "I couldn't find a proper answer because I'm stupid so I'll just post a random picture in a failed attempt to be funny"
not. Its just that i dont want to enter in a long conversation with a mongol.
you mean you're too stupid to engage yourself in a long conversation because you would be probably be out of words after 1 post
again you resort to stupidity in the lack of intelligence!
Ok , I think you didn't get it. At first , I saw all your comments and was "omg who's that guy" , but then I saw that you were a random nerd trying to give english lessons , you failed at this so now you try to flame some one else to cover your failed plan , nice try , continue like this sir.
stupidity at its best again

as I said before, quote me trying to give out english lessons, show me or are you failing at that again as in everything else?
Continue to reply me , its making me laugh.
ok, I like entertaining people
At 29 years old you should do something else ...
I rather think you should do something else at 16, like maybe go outside with your friends and engage yourself in some sports activities instead of sitting behind the computer
29 yo guy talked.

I know what i have to do sir , thanks anyway.
what does "29 yo guy talked." mean?
pute de négrito
Quote by randomBusterHe is well know for being a retard (how the fuck did he become CB admin ?!?!).

isnt that the only "skill" you need to become a cb admin?
give me some times
watched a few minutes of supply and i couldn't notice anything suspicious
I haven't see his demos atm but you have to know that a newbie from Counter Strike will be better than him in Wolf: ET.
Very funny, i'm gonna quote it :)
burn the fucker
yess he cheatsss,old
drama baby drama
thats right for the majority of them, but there also are some cool ones (straf, fra, douille,...) !
Do you even know more guys of the french community than the guys you mention ?
Don't try to look cool spiting on a community if you don't know it, even if you play some retard in war thanks :)
well, i think i have played with enough frenchmen to be able to say this, but like i said, there are quite some cool ones!
i am cool!!!
isn't a good proof? yes, maybe for you since you are a shitforbrains cheater but for anyone else with a bit of brain it is more than enough

next time try to be even more obvious, you know you can do it!
gg pour un admin CB et ton wh tu l'utilises aussi pendant les matchs xD
Non serieux arrete -.- sur frost c'est du grand n'importe quoi
Why are you whining?
Critik is a very good player (he played Belgium allstar) and he is the leader of the famous team uGaming with every leet !
Let's be serious...
Funny demo , skilled ... ou_pas
english plz ?
J me contrefous que tu defendes le transmitter, mais tu track les murs oO

J'osef completement que tu cheats mais te fous pas de ma gueule serieux -_-
sur supply, les fakes genre : "je te vois mais jte vise pas, comme par hasard je me décale et t'es en face de moi" sont pas mal, bref...
honnêtement , j'ai rien vu mec ... toujours aussi low je trouve :s
.avi or never happend.
Ok je te crois

Mais dans ce cas je veux rapidement des cours pour devenir un heros :)
avi plz :D
Skilled, it's all!
Ou le "Je deviens obvious mais je veux vite qu'on m'oublit pour que je reprenne mon rôle super d'admin de cb."

Ce que tu as montré c'est des stats de y4nn. Il est pas obvious mais skilled, quelque chose qui doit pas trop te parler je pense mais qui existe, je t'assures, t'es un peu boulet quand même. Mais c'est rigolo.
tu n'aim pas? qui le fait à ta place alors?

Ouais, ba écoute, je sais pas rapper comme toi alors je veux quand même garder le même esprit que toi et pokémon oblige.
et alors fdp, j'ai pas le droit de jouer a pokemon? ca te pose un probleme ? que tu cheat ou pas toute facon jte pete la gueule ig et irl avec ta tete de piaf et tes mythos textes sur sky.
T'es aussi con qu'une pauvre fourmi mon pauvre, tu ferrais mieux de retourner dans ton terrier.

critik specifik owns all :
euh.. met reply à lui, pas à moi stp... :'(
Bremen was even worse, half the time staring at the walls like a flaming chair and never noticing players out of his fov (lol i'm behind u lolz u need 360°wh )

The end of frostbite is pure delight :]

b u s t e d : obvious but still low+.

( Have a look at the different trackings : sometimes 1 bullet on 8 hits, the other times, however good the ennemy's straf is, 100% acc. )
Comment je kiff ton angalis stormy ;)
And where's that bremen demo?
Je vois pas où tu es Obvious dans ces stats, mais bon, si c'est ton jeu de savoir qui est le plus con, amuses toi bien, tu as déjà remporter le prix de gros boulay, tu continues dans ta lancée, jtm pas, bye.
Ah car pour être obvious faut avoir un award? c'est une nouvelle règle ?
The french have never won a war, so pls stop speaking french :)

It's pakistansih time !

zero to zero, same shit than netik, why cheat for be an obviously low+ max...
just yesterday he played one round on our cup instead of me, had some suspicious moves but not rly that good tbh.
watched supply because i'm bored
didn't see anything suspicious
didn't even see one skilled action at all :p so i doubt he cheats
They should ban netik btw
C'est triste pour lui :(

CB must ban himself to take him @ admin xD
Critick roxx :D

A bot will not give you a brain...

Meme avec un cheat il trouve le moyen de se faire stabber , pov naze.
héhé, i had better stats than him, bb critik specifik !!!!
Toi T'es un boss critik, TES UN BOSS!!

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