d^Team.et still looking

Still looking for low/+ war team members.
-Personal activity
-Teamspeak "activity" - communicating
-Enterprising spirit - wars and other communicating
-Understandable English, teamspeak and type writing.

Current lineup:
Finland froXeh - Medic / FdOp
Finland Sany - Medic
Slovenia Jero - Engineer
Belgium Leo - Medic / Engineer
United Kingdom Chaos - Medic / FdOp
Europe You - ?

Europe You

PM here at cF for more details.
Who said you can't get low+ members from crossfire? ;)
x) nice skill search :D
stfu ego tard we know your high+ hs hacker..
:( no one ever wants me tough :<<
you dont even know me:<
I do , 2.55 dutch wnb-LLI fucktard
hmm hardly playing 2.55 tbh like once in a week anyway how come u know me
Has anyone ever asked u if you were from Dignitas cuz of the tags (I know they aren’t the same, but they are similar enuf lol) If so, I definitely want to join! xD
thought same
gl Jero
almost dignitas fakaz
GO GO GO Sany , FroXXX and Leo ;)
Thanks Krio ( aka TINTEEh )
Btw , Im ready to take pm:s aswell , so PM me 2 if you wanna join :)
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