Crashing a server

An Enemy Territory server can be crashed by sending too much data to the server causing it to overflow, the following command crashes a server in enemy territory:

( removed the command by swine )

There is a fix for this and I suggest you make it forced. The command will not work on servers with the ws.lua fix which is somewhere on this site or on banis forum.

This command can also be modified to retrieve data from server memory, thus enabling its user to obtain the rcon or referee password for a server.

This is an old ET command that was only known by me and somebody else. But now it seems to have leaked anyway so I thought I would let everyone know it, with the intention of it being so overused that it no longer functions.

k bye.
don't post it here omg! thx i was just playing on telenet UNTIL SOME RTARD CRASHED IT :<
Thanx for telling me.

Going to cyber now :)

Does it matter how many 9's there are?
There has to be X amount of 9's. it doesn't work on Cybergames...
tried it on my server and nothing happened.
ETTV 1.0 linux-i386
no fix installed
Nice trivium , unexpected..
why should they crash the server?
I'm not the hacker , ask them
I wouldn't question anything what is done by them :--D so it wouldn't be a suprise for me if they did it.
raparperia pakkasessa? :-)
are you disabled?
any1 have inside info? :o
omfg delete this plz
doesn't work?
I wonder who knows how to use this one Hype :{D
Was really hoping that no one would post this, but there is some truth to the fact that its already spread beyond control:

There are 3 fixes to this problem.
(I will post links shortly)


1) LUA bugfix for etpro 3.2.6 servers
-> Link

2) Linux Bugfix LD_PRELOAD library, It uses dll injection to force the fix onto ANY server.
(This fix has been built for 2.55 server on linux, but it can recompiled for 2.60b if enough code is modified)
-> Link

3) I have written a QMM fix which can be ported to both Linux and Windows and supports all mods and all versions.
(this has been compiled for linux, with -m32 -march=i486, pm me if any one needs windows compiles, The server must run QMM)
-> Link

Tho imo the exploit SHOULD be hidden on this page, and only the bug fixes and explanation should be left.
how do we solve the problem of CB config not allowing combinedfixes due to wrong hash?
I think you should remove the command ...
X amount.
I edited O:
Also, if you look at Hype's original post, he didn't quite post the correct command :P
Well hype did the right thing warning us but the wrong thing posting the whole command which wasn’t to clever. The exploit would have been leaked sooner or later and servers have been crashing the last few days so I guess he was just warning the ET community. This bug can be fixed as EYJohn said, everyone who owns an ET Server and has FTP access take 5 minutes and install the fix, yes its a inconvenience but it has to be done to stop people crashing the servers and so the community can get on with there ET life’s.
Well hype did the right thing warning us but the wrong thing posting the whole command which wasn’t to clever.

what do you think why he posted it here?
fucking belgian cunts
seriously kamz, just another attempt to fuck up ET and the community hidden in an attempt to be "helpful"? at least don't show the command but simply notify of its existence?
Didnt work
works only on private servers, i hope that rhis command will get deleted from this post before kiddys start abusing it
u are a retard
delete this topic pls, it works :[
ye same here. i had to restart my server via putty ;x
i tried this on someone's private server :XD

if server admins are 2 stupid to set the server how it should be set ( especially match servers )
dont blame him imo
How fucking old is this shit and if your/anyones servers arnt patched upto date with such as, then ................... omgaaaawd ......
give me the patch pls..
Oh sorry, was just replying to your other reply :s

Join me @ mIRC maybe #barrysplanet ? or pm me your msn ?
post it publicly so everyone can do it then
ye, it would be nice
ET server patches to stop such shit happening is available for public, stop trying to be so so smart and try looking into how to?

I am offering help to those lazy ones that right now I am feeling sorry for.
cant you shut your mouth ?
better help us dickhead
Jago, if you are talking to me ? That is not the right way to go about getting help.
I've searched, what I've come up with is that current CB cfgs won't work with new lua fixes because of wrong hash, if you know of something else why not share it? it's simply giving a link :s
Well, are we talking about the above as "how to crash an ET server" or talking about *current Clownbase configs* ?

When was the last time Clownbase updated there server cfgs @ - - ?
we are talking about both, one is directly connected to the other, you can't fix it if you plan to use CB cfg

you acted like it was so easy to fix it
It easy to fix, sorry for any confusion but Clownbase Admins (who ever they are that update there cb6 cb3 w/e need to update them ASAP then get them verified again by sending to the above link.

Are you aware that if you do via rcon such commands as:

pb_sv_md5toollist // pb_sv_cvarlist while running Clownbase configs that both return 0 ? Where as Euro server.cfgs return results ?

I have server configs ready for the return of Warleagues2 - - again, feel free to pm me and lets chat via msn or something as you for one danL seem to know what your talking about :)
its written down there
QuoteThere is a fix for this and I suggest you make it forced. The command will not work on servers with the ws.lua fix which is somewhere on this site or on banis forum.
but isn't the lua stuff for public servers? :|
lol ? is a server crashing about a command like that?
Try it and see.
zomg banz0rz
fixes suck, need something more global like 2.60c
Would be nice and it may be in the making who knows :)

But a start maybe for Clownbase Admins to update there configs ?
"This is an old ET command that was only known by me and somebody else."


Also, /ws 99999999z will also work, clanbase config had a fix for just /ws 99999999.

There is a fix for /ws with letters in too, but even though me and Frop made a fix for CB, corrected their lua/config for them and everything, they still haven't released a new config.
And when are *they* @ Clowbase going to update there server configs that cancel all checks @ (url) []

pb_sv_md5toollist // pb_sv_cvarlist while running Clownbase configs that both return 0 ?

Any ideas :)?
not sure I understand you
when u play a war there are no file/cvar checking
pb_sv_md5toollist // pb_sv_cvarlist while running Clownbase configs that both return 0 ?

How fucking old is this shit
100% true and veryfied by scanned documents , birth certificates & ip checks
great idea posting this to public
Yesterday some idiiot came on the server:

Estoniahihi: hello poltards
Estoniahihi: brb, ill crash your server
(unfortunelly i was on the server and it was is patched via ACpro 2.1 ->) PolandLuk4ward: !bani hihi

name = hihi
guid = D96030FBF2830C97388F18770D1EB444
eguid = 347F6598B944423A0CC14B1A1F45C012F50BB0E4
ip =


It is maybe funny when they can do nothing, but there are some exceptions like ddos (crime), etc.
Comments by this IP (17)
ID Username In Last Used
750 fredd Journals (10) Thursday 15th May 2008, 14:32
750 fredd Forums (7) Thursday 15th May 2008, 00:44

heh, thx for the info. I thought so that he read it @ cF
kamz knows you are naked now
Oh lol, allthough its been edited, are you talking about the WS buffer overflow bug? coz, lol, that was fixed in the 2.60b binaries !
No it wasn't.
I read it was.
nah it wasnt bio fdnl telenet and loads of other severs used to be crashable untill some one keep crashing them for an hour then alot of them used the patch and wat not to stop it! good times!
i wud of sed that 50% of all match severs were crashable even tho in the logs it sed they had been sorted out
Doesn't work on a server with the clanbase config.

Fail harder.
It really doesn't.
it does.

not on all servers, but in the last month ive did it, it worked bout 50% of the time..
latest CB cfg has the lua scripting in it that stops it
maybe, but maybe 50% of the servers run the old cb cfg then ;D
think of it like this, if you can crash oppo's server they dont have latest cb cfg = default win for you nP
Parent we know why some warserver crashed on ettv @ highskill match

yeye..... ~.~
sure u and ur retarded friend are the only one that know this command. made me laugh
oh and ban plz
lewizZz told me it :) the fix seems to be on most public servers anyway and at least 50% of private
Kamz strikes again.
when u connect to Bier&Spiele Server, and the server is full.. type in console /timescale 999999999999 :>.. then server is damn lagging :>
Please delet this fucking topic
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