Backup or clan fix
My old topic was deleted coz i post @ Journal ^^
I seek Skilled 6on6 clan for play some cups/CB offis etc
Im avi : Sunday --> Thursday
Im cool ^^^^^^
Clans & infos @ profile
I seek Skilled 6on6 clan for play some cups/CB offis etc
Im avi : Sunday --> Thursday
Im cool ^^^^^^
Clans & infos @ profile
Maggi Fix?
go die mr skiled
et tu parles ? ok tg now.
englishonly , oh soz u r too dumb for it :(
Why are you trying to defend him rofl ?
But , indeed , those sort of comments are retarded but I was forced to post it.
I dunno if he is trying to sound cool or not. I already said my opinion about it. That was stupid from him for adding those comments and if you haven't replied to 'those' comments again, maybe you both weren't fighting each other.
: D Made me laugh! You are under control by someone? >:]
I'm 16 , np , I forgive you.
I don't play ET to win the next EuroCup , it's the last thing I care , seriously. I'm not such a wnb like you sucking every big dicks to get some super e-friends.
Oh true , you were like low + @ lan aswell and you jeje , mika told me that you were doing nothing , but ye , it's your "super ego" that was working.
Just quote me where I say : "I'm supercool blabla"
fucking kankerretarded kind met uw lelijk hoofd zou ik zeker hier niet antwoord.
@ lan im maybe low, but play with a fucking pc, no mic, a shitty screen.
Im not playing a lot thats why i seek a clan for fun.
Buy a life and stop your fucking flam etc @ inet.
U dont have friends ?
U dont go at school ?
bibuy retard
I don't play a lot too , I joined increased cuz tzbq was motivated to play with them and I didn't want to search a clan.
inet or lan , I would flame you , even if you are 3m taller than me or smaller than me , I don't fucking care cuz guys like you should get aids and rest in hell.
Tu sais, ET, c'est un jeu. Au moins je reste dans une team, je change pas tous les 15 jours.
oh, je suppose que famas > toutes tes mytho teams à deux francs six sous.
famas > mes teams ? LOLOLOLOL
Ok en stabilité p-e :D.
PS : Vaut mieu un style fashion rital qu'un style a 2 balle.
ET certes est un jeux, mais des gens comme toi le prend un peu trop au serieux et ne sort jamais car ET a pris la place de sa RL .
la plupart de tes teams sont que des mix, d'où ma réponse "famas > toutes tes mytho teams à deux francs six sous."
PS : Cest vrai... mais moi je n'ai pas de style tu vois, j'cherche pas à faire mon k3k3 et à être a la mode. jsuis moi, cest tout, et j'm'habille de la façon la plus sobre, normale possible, avec ce qui me plais.
Tu y joues certainement plus que moi, et vu comment t'es wnb, c'est plutôt moi qui devrais dire cette phrase. Après, crois ce que tu veux, mais tu as tort.
Mais bon tnp for me j te rape les yeux fermés t'est juste un suceur de boules sans skill, apart ca bien la team ukraine ? :))))))
arrete de te prendre high, cherche du low+/med et puis c'est tout. à quoi ça sert de se dire skilled si on l'es pas?
à part ça tu as 1an de retard...
maintenant va te brosser les dents plz