me ³ :P

about me:

- To Old to be Pro ! but i think i am med/- med

- play over 3 years clean

- luck is a part of skill

- play fop/medic/panzer/rifle

- speak german and low englisch (need train)

- better 6on6 then 3on3

about u:

- fine are not too many members

- skill med

- no cheaters and ex cheaters tba

- avi 7 days from 18:00 to 23:00 CET

- know cb and esl

my englisch suxx flame on ffs
Quoteplay over 3 years clean

and before that? xD jk

gl m8 ;-)
only red warnings jk :D
ye copy mah style :D
n1ce guy!

gl m8<3
<3 u nagger :>
so many cless people^^
create a team together :X lols
mh cless gaming ? :D
you dont know me, then you are not the real mike :<<< tragedy-
yes cuz there is only 1 real mike! He's the man!
to go where?
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