XFX 8800 GT low fps

hi there,

I bought a 8800 gt and i cant get always 125 locked fps :O

for exemple @ oasis out cp i get 50fps

anyone has one 8800 gt and do you get 125 locked fps ?

need some help :D
what cpu? could also be overheating :o
intel e6600 no o.c :/
btw, it doesnt matter what cfg ., resolution, antialising...

always the same fps :O
cant find how he fixed it :<
what this threaded thing do?
cuz i might disable it also
edit: i dont have this option ='(
Then your GFX card isnt new enough for this option
Clown i have tried everything there (1 cpu, thread opt. , etc etc ...)

@ supply i get 333 locked fps lol, with a high settings config and AA 16Q lol.
But oasis and radar for example sometimes i get 50 fps wtf :O
your replyskills sux :<
wierd Oo try maybe drivers?
there are new drivers from 16 may :P

Downloading ...

then ill post results

thanks guys :D
TheoDor nvidia control panel u must have it: Thread optimization

turn it off ;)
my graphic card seems to be old so it wont support that option
noob how can you get low fps which suck graphic card
I got the same problem.
triflip... fuck off :(
i got the exact same gfx card and i can easily get more than 125 fps xD
Seems like a cfg problem to me

Or maybe a ram problem ...

Try a memcheck
ET is a cpu based game so it doesnt matter bout the card..try setting priority also ..it worked for me
This works for me too.
Priority set to 'High', although I have to manually set this everytime I load ET =[
Without it I drop from 125 to around 100fps on Radar and some parts of Bremen.
This is with an 8800GTS o/c and an e4400 o/c to 2.8Ghz.
btw it's always good to do a format when installing new graphics card, not sure if you did that...but anyway gl
ok with new drivers still the same.
now ill try the priority thing ;)
still the same,

I have already formated, try other cfg's, new drivers and still with fps lag..

N1ckV, how i do a memcheck? :p
mainboard drivers plx and ET is cpu intensive NOT gfx... even a gf4 ti is able to handle 125 fps :x
your cpu sux
put your old drivers
mems are ok, bios motherboard updated, old drivers bah..

still the same :(
maybe my cpu really sux :P

intel E6600 2.4ghz ?
u know, there is a fucking reply button, mr lowbrain :/
You should easily get ~1000 fps, try standard config and ofc threaded optimization off.
Some cvars fuck up your fps (r_ext_compressed_textures "0") f.e.
Which OS do you use?
i use win xp 32, ill try standard cfg...
Spree McCheeseburger why dont u try to add some constructive reply, get a life pls
get mainboard drivers.
Helped me too
its something wrong in my cfg cause now i have 125 locked with default cfg :D
problem solved :D

that was some "r_" command fuckin my fps :/

now its ok, thanks guys ;)

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