zhul (rifle) cless

Hi fellows,

as you can see in the topic, I Germany am in need of a clan.

I am used to play rifle, and would rate my skills about med/med+. I could also play fdops, but I guess I prefer rifle.

I got experience of about 2-3 years. Already played with #reVeal.et in 2nd and premier division in OC, so I would like to play in a team which competes at the same level.

But due to the fact that I am rather looking for some fun than playing just for "achievements", an lower divison would be okay too.

I don't mind if its a Germany or an England speaking clan, both is fine for me :).

So if you want to test me feel free to pm me here or contact "_zhul" in irc @ #reveal.et
good guy
geh äll!
gl mr." muss leider noch n bisl hausaufgaben amchen :/." :)
isn't my fault :(.
Henrik <3 : )
Gl to you
reveal failed?
gl! skilled rifle...give him a try!
me has a clan for you sir!
Hey dude, i am cool, only got exams this month, starting monday so there are more fun things in life. What bout you????
Everythings is fine here :)
Finished school last Week cause I passed my final exam ;D
Good luck with your exams, I'm sure you'll pass them as well
haha, i have been busy with the gf a lot, so i didnt have much time to learn, but i am doing everything i can.
Congrats on passing your exams dude, have fun in vacation! any plans yet?
Nah not really, just going to Rock im Park :P
But after the festival I've git to work on the airport :o
Shit worktime but the payment is quite well (13€/h)
You got plans for travelling?
Yeh man, first in july to france with family and than to turkey in september with friends...other than that just chilling and sleeping sleeping sleeping man:)
Ah nice 1 dude : )
Are you still playing ET active or switched to another game?
I only use my laptop these days, so no more gaming.... Maybe in the summerholidays i might play a game with you guys (that is if you still want me):D
I always wanted you ;) But you schould be warned i have'nt played ET for 4/5 months : P
gl zhul <3 :)
gl zhul
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