The Challenge v1

image: thechallengeva6

Since there is no more active competition, i thought about making a new league.
But first of all i wanna try the admin part and see how its going.

I thought about starting with a 6on6 Cup with Groups and Leagues
So the layout might be a bit like OC 6on6 (Group A - 4 Teams etc.)
There will be Premier, 1st Div - 4/5th Div, depends on Signups...

Format: 6on6

Mappool: beach, oasis, goldrush, railgun, fueldump, battery, et_ice, radar, frostbite

Signups open - 23th of May
Signups close - 31st of May
Creating groups- 1st until 2nd June
First matchweek - 9th June until 15th June
Second matchweek - 16th June until 22th June


So signups are open until 31st May 2008 - 00:00 CET
PM ME (just for now until we found a webpage!) -> Clanname/Lineup (+pbguids)/Irc/Contact - Skill (1 - 10; 10 best!)

More information (web, news) will come after 31st May 2008.

EDIT Site will be online tommorow!!! thanks to #tac2 clan
could be nice
nice banner!
ya sticky please! this is going to fail so hard, even that banner is so fucking horrible
and please that fucking name "the Challenge v1" are you fucking kidding me? :D:D:

e: YA STICKY ADMINS keep coming good decisions
banned for being a retard, using fake Proxy IP and having a fake account! whoever you are!
nice paintskills.
prices and leagues will be active
0 day account - what are we missing ?
gl hope it works
really catchy... but gl anyway
no way without a page, srz :c
read my pm :O)
Hurry up with the page I would say, I doubt you will get many sign ups without a site.
nice banner :DDDD
Go build fast freewebs-site.
gl hope it ll work ;)
btw who are you? this is surely a fakenick isn't it? :<
Hope it works out for you.
Nice maps, more team based x)

i'm avi if any teams are in need of a Wales playah
special delivery as map?
it will be oldskool cup. original config + original maps. sounds cool imo!
i dont get why the hell u want that fucking shit map to every cups.
because its fucking cool shit ;>
cuz it PWNZ!
no supply in the mappool :DD ? I like the fact that you chose old maps because they are so awesome! :)
it will be oldskool cup. original config + original maps. sounds cool imo! just need help with config and cup page.
hmm k, sounds fun :) but tbh they should use the configs from now... I mean, mortar is really the most irritating gun ever :D but what I do like in old configs is that you can get "stars"
i hate this promotions :<
Great mappool!

Not, it's ridiculously bad.
it's cool tbh :) I like it! but they should also add all the other maps that are played much more at the moment
image: Cat+with+Rubik%27s+Cube
Mappool: beach, oasis, goldrush, railgun, fueldump, battery, et_ice, radar

et_ice out plz, put frostbite in -> oldschhoolmap³
frost still commonly played
but et_icq is the fucking uberbullshit, srsly u can always get the obj after 1.30 min
Same as in frost...
right xD but still frostbite > et_ice
its pretty easy to fullhold if both teams know how to play
i have never played et_ice longer then 3 minutes per round, thats my experience dunno how urs is :)
need some remaked rtcw maps imo!
like et_ufo
:) railgun, battery, et_ice, radar

:| fueldump, frostbite

:( beach, oasis, goldrush

every competition needs to have sw_gr supply and radar
not oldskool cup!
Remove radar, goldrush, & frostbite. Then it would be interesting.
toi toine o iha kujalla. sanoin et laittaa noi vittuun jo aikaa sit
Kannattais, vois melkee osallistua iteki jollain poppoolla jos näin käy =)
juu no jos toi jätkä ei osaa ni hyvällä lykyllä zeku järjestää sen wl:n kautta. niin ainakin puhuttii mut sitä ei oo näkyny vähään aikaan. ite ainaki pelaan todellaki ton :P
<3 Zeku. Vois olla kyl iha hyvä niin.
sounds nice, gtfo with railgun
Mappool OWNED :D
Avi for that cup!
Sticky got removed - no signups - just whine .....
why whine? :<
I don't think you can organize all that by yourself tbh, atleast not good.
he has secret helpers
nice man go on
Ok, where is the site??
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