TeeZer's back :D

Hey ET players ;)

Since I've quitted ET for over 6-7 months ago because it just didnt want to work on my windows vista....Im now back and need a clan ;)

What I can offer? :

Active player
Speak well Germany German, United Kingdom English, Croatia Croatian and Norway Norwegian
Teamplayer / going for revive instead of kill
I would say a funny guy that can be mature when needed (im 16, 17 in a month ;) )
My skill isnt so great atm but I WILL improve :P I was around med+ before I quitted
I can allsow play all classes including rifle

What I want from you? :

Nice ppl and a greate atmosphere would be nice.
You schould be a active team
Skill isnt really that important as long as you are activ in leagues etc... (low+ maybe?)

contact me here @ crossfire....just msg me ;)

cheers and its great to be back :D
sorry you aren't med+ gfto.

schould :D
buttah guuuudlak
gl frende
med+ is everywhere
I was around med+

reading is hard, isnt it?
understanding is hard, isn't it?
med+? o_O
Who are you? '_'
you are so fckn newsql....
welcome back mate :) and gl. :)
dunno about the med+ part but gl
Speak well German, English, Croatian and Norwegian

nice languages skills
made by TV

TEEZER gl mate easy highskiller
GL TeeZer :D
welcome back dennis =)

good luck! hit me up on msn once in a while ^_^
My skill isnt so great atm but I WILL improve :P I was around med+ before I quitted

thats a new one!
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