rockit needs yermanz

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

As me and some mates try to build up a team for having fun in the evening, playing some cups and visiting the next Crossfire LAN in Enschede (5.-7. Sep), we are desperately in the need of some reliable players. You should at least be aged about 18-20 years and playing ET for more than 3 years will be highly appreciated. You should know me and/or some of our further players to just make sure the team fits together. Of course we do not tolerate any cheating past. As the first sentence already shows; you should be able to attend the LAN in Enschede with us. We try to play together every time we are enough online in TeamSpeak. For the first time we'll try to not set permanent pracc dates with sunday as exception to allow every one of us a fine social life over the summer. Now some information about our team will follow.

image: rockitiy2

Germany rockit

Germany HellKn1ght
Germany sikz
Germany dis
Germany bo
Germany loop
Germany dce (bu)
Germany SPU9 (bu)

Plans will be to play the upcoming online competitions by Crossfire and to attend the LAN in September.

If you are able to speak German, live up to the mentioned requirements and are eager to go to the Crossfire LAN with us, leave me a pm here at Crossfire or visit our IRC channel #rockit at QuakeNet.
hope you can find a nice 6th ;)
We will! :D
why no africans ;(
so cdc5 is 5-7 sept? :) Is that sure date?
TosspoT said it.
played em last night, nice guys
haha they are much more known than you ...
yeah because you are the biggest newsql wnb alive
hmmm gl erstma ne ;)
but it looks like! if you don't know them and aren't really known in this scene you should write "i never heard of them"
who edited? :(
pff nubs only .. :d na just kidding gl : )
ich bin deutsch
kocham cie
kocham was
too bad about dce beeing bu,
gl anyway!
too bad i'm swiss :(
If you are able to speak German

i guess you speak german.
gl spu9 + bo + loop !!
again 18-20...i feel like a grandpa :(
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