
what for mouse settings you used at a Razer Deathadder.

If you have a razer deathadder:D
I got a copperhead!
windows sens: 6
ingame sens: 1
dpi: 1800
fov: 100
razer copper head:
windows sens: 6
ingame sens: 1.2
dpi: 1800
fov: 105
o cmon share your uber high skilled secret mouse settings plz :<
ya ok only for my lovely fanboy dezire

windows sens: max
razer sens: max
dpi: 1600
hz: 500
accelfix: yes
ingame sens: 0.50
fov: 90
lol nice :D
windows sens: 6
razer sens: 6
dpi: 450
hz: 500
accelfix: yes
sens: 3.1
fov: 90
All default :p

Windows: 6
Razer: 10
dpi: 900 (no neg/pos accel noticeable)
hz: 500

ingame sens: 1.35
all default

win: 6
razer: max
dpi: 400
hz: 500

ingame sens: 1.1141
Your windows sens is not default and the dpi is 450*.
is default 6?
Exactly, MouseSensitivity = 10.
Mouse: Logitech MX 518@ 500 Hz, he's question was about Razer DeathAdder.
maybe i have new mouse?
Mmkay then, btw i have both DeathAdder and SteelSeries IME 3.0 SS which is the first and original model of DeathAdder.
Razer DeathAdder @ 450 dpi and 500 hz.
only settings which anyone should use is windows sensitivty at default (or lower, DO NOT RAISE IT ABOVE THE 6TH NOTCH AKA value 10 in the windows registry)

And use DPI of 900 / 450 or use high DPI but scale it down by lowering windows sens.

mouserate: whatever you prefer
accelfix: whatever you prefer
lowering the windows sens at the 3rd ( dpi 1/4) or 4th (dpi 1/2) notch only, others doesn't seem to be an integer divisor (<- dunno if that's understandable this way :D)
windows 5/11
razer 10/10
900 dpi
1.5 @ et
~270 degrees/30 cm

dpi - 1800
hz - 1000
fov - 90
sensi - 1.0
about windoz setting if you re not the kind to believe what people say you can try

it s supposed to show if there is a difference between your mouvement et the cursor mouvement. using this you ll see very fast what value is crap, and decide by yourself, not because some mighty pwnzorzz said to do so. (even if they are right ;) )
find ur own settings
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