Probleme mouse

Hello !

I got a problem with my Razer Diamonback !

i have installed the last drivers.

When i am on Enemy Territory and when i want to /kill (with mouse6 or switch to luger with mouse4) I got a "lag", i press button and 1 second after i /kill or switch luger....I take so many full spawn because of this fucking "lag"
I put my UsbRate @ 500Hz

solution ? :'(

Help me ! :p
/kill yourself.
might be because of your usbrate
I have formated my computer yesterday and before this format C, i hadn't this lag ... and i was @ 500Hz
I had it too, Open the driver > Scroll Wheel > Universal Scrolling and set it to "On".
not working :'(
than dont know :< sorry
i will cry :'(
When I had this and posted it here, every1 told me to get a Mx518, what i did and I'm happy now :)
i found the problem :d i hadn't correctly configure my buttons !
get logitech
get logitech
get logitech
get new mousepad
nC will help you
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