ideas to make ET clean like was before from all haxors

Meybe at least whole enemy territory scene will think a little bit harder about situation that we have at the moment …..we have to realize that we cant win with hax

Imo we have two chooses ..

1st First of all we have to turn off punk buster (like quake players did long time ago…)coz its usless (best example trivium clan we all know they r using some shit but we can give any proof), at the moment to cath some1 we need pb screenshot and that circle is closing coz pb don’t have update so that’s the reason its so hard to catch some one

we can make at least good cfg for 6on6 or 3on3 clan wars. That config have to force all players to get stablish rate and max packets. Now even that small shit blocking as to see clearly if that was lotto shot with 40 maxpackets or that was aimbot.

we need to fuck it clanbase rulez and make ours by players…. Is some will be catch with any kind of hax punishment will be much worst….. if catched player will be registered in cb or esl… at least 4-5 weeks in 1 clan that whole clan have to be deleted (whole history) from every website (like crossfire) and every ranking ladder (that worth something)….why ? becouse of that every recrutaction will be much more serious… first of all new recrut have to be check that his not using any kind of boost before clan or clan leader make him official member…

to catch players by demos we have to choose small group of players 30. I prefare old player with huge game experience (example night, reload, pumu) U ask what they shoud do? Its simple if someone will have some strange demo recorded he can sent it that to one of them (descriptions of that demo have to be like “strange actions/moment time : (3.35) (12.04)…) plus screenshot from the game with guid and pb guid. First guy from that group after watch, if if he will see something suspiction, he should make topic on forum with vote yes/no (only membership ppl can vote) after vote have to make descriprion why he decide that?
The same demo have to be watched by more ppl from the chosen group. If at least 75% of them vote “yes its was to strange to be real” we catch a cheater.

we can make rulez everyone have to play with ray program turn on in every cup every official game even pcw.

Now conclusions
We will catch much more cheaters and make that game so cool again. Cheaters will be wanted in clans by clan members, ray program can help or at least from demos. Imo it will be much more effective then punkbuster.

2nd choose much more real much easier way to make that game so clean again. We have much cups, ladders that we can earn some real money not much but its something. We can cut -10% from every enemy territory reward yust to buy new kind of hax and deliver that to pb. AFK we can always make account ready for donation.
We can make crossfire, esl users to pay 1 euro every month. After 1 month we can collect money even for 1 best nC tahta they have plus polish and frentch cheap hax. It will be no more problem with polish, frentch users that’s for sure, and month after month we can buy more and much more expensive cheats like nuxus example.

Ps sorry for my weak English skill…
Good ideas...personally I like the idea of that small group, that would be a really good solution against any cheats, and I think it could work as you written it down with a little extension...
i dont think any serius guys will voluntire
There was already a vote about 'Would you trust admins on deciding about cheaters' or something like that. Most agreed to let the admins decide wether a player cheats or not. Don't know if there really started a project like this little group.
Well, I think it could be easily done with some rational minded and experienced players. Also it would be important to use only neutral players for every situation, and asking the opinion of the community too.
Yes, that would be the perfect solution.
so why exactly are you still here?
Don't ever reply to me again like I know you faggot
Hi Kamz, could you tell me what font you have used in most hated? i srlsy love it
You mean the popup font? It's lucida console, I don't know about the other fonts, hype made the intro/outro.

night reload pumu
totally comparable :D
btw no matter how many ideas u gather nothing will happen
the majority doesnt care anymore about cheaters or not they just complain
but on the other side they play themself with cheaters or "ex" cheaters
and i dont think anyone with enough power over the community will put any effort to change something ( example x-ray stuff is out since quite a long time there wasnt even 1 (big ) cup as test for it no one cared its not even considered)
yeah he was obviously flaming pumu there :p

dans 10 mins j'ai wow jeune nègre
1st First of all we have to turn off punk buster (like quake players did long time ago…)coz its usless (best example trivium clan we all know they r using some shit but we can give any proof),

so no-one wouldnt have to buy hax anymore!
You right but think if no-one will buy it then they will stop making it ...coz every new et bot version means much more trouble, before was only simple aimbot (easy to catch)or wh now what we have “human’s simulator mover”.
It will be only your choose use it or not. Punishment will be for whole clan so they can cheat on pub but they cant in clan wars coz whole clan will be punished. It will be whole clan choose “we want to risk everything with cheater in crew or fairplay game to start/continue good history of clan”. Second options in future can catch much better players in crew and players will not lose time coz they start making own history and it will give them higher chances to transfer to better clan.
After programmers will stop earing money from selling et bot, they will stop making it or prize will go up (it pure economy). It will be much easier to catch someone if only old version of bots will be available and new version will never see day light. Cheat huners will know then everything bout any options in any bot.
your so right about the cb 3v3 6v6 configs.

stupid scripts:<
the first non-senseless topic i ever saw in cf.


im for the second choise!
read columns?
too lazy 4 that, sry
so the question is ...if pb will be OFF and xray program ON that we will lose or catch some extra internet resources or number of fps ....hehe
thats just retarded
ru on cf 24/7 now ? do u even sleep ?
shower/go to sleep/log off/go eat breakfast/make a retarded journal and enjoy your ban.
an hour ?-.-
nice idea but not sure if it will work
Been tried a few times, always failed. Bad idea.
To do something against cheaters is always good. But what you write is 95% undoable.

I play now 4 years in clans, over 2 years as a leader. In that time as a leader we had 2 (pub-)cheaters in my team, who both have had a clean yawn, a 'long' ET history and no suspicious actions in clanwars (rather more 1 of them pretty much sucked).

But you want to delete the 7 cup history and over 100 ladder wars in clanbase cause of that? You will punish the wrong people with that.

A new anti cheat software...oh right nice idea. How long will it take until there are hax for it? 2 weeks?

And about the group of 30 people to spec the demos.... Do you think night, reload or pumu wanna watch the 50 demos killerboy will send them every weak? Or the low+ and med- clanwars, do you really think any highskiller will want to watch a few dozen of them daily?
okies i will try describe that my group idea in detail. So we have example 40 chosen people. They have to watch example 5 demos every day (its take max 30min).

file for investigaction should be put on forum
1.screen with quid and pb quid from that demos
2.quids and pb quids inside the xxx.txt file
4.exactly moment and time where u se something weird
[minimum 3 examples]
like --- (7:22, 6:33, 3:09, 2:04, 14:05)----

so as you see it take not so much time ....and if first guy will see notting then he have to leave it yust wrrite smh on forum like "i see notting there" topic will be closed with that interigaction.... if that demo sender is still not satisfate he can send it again not to forum but exactly to other member.

Email template:
1. first line should have link with that opinion "i see notting there" from closed topic in forum ...without that info email will go to trash to that closed topic on forum (link with demo cant be dead)

with that rulez they dont waste much time at all
do you understand how many pointless whine-demos they will get?:) Every clan who loses one round will send the demos.
Infi_ hello xD. tonight pracc at 19.30!!1!!!1111!!!
:/ i wont be in time, i promised to go out after work, ill be back round 20.15/30 ish :((((
omg! remember we have offy at 21 :P
yes i know, i'll be here for offi for sure. just cant make it for pracs, i think im home at the time i said in my last reply, doubt ill get back any earlier but definately not later :) sorry bout lagging out yesterday aswell btw
np, we <3 you!
hehe :D just make sure u lot go over oasis defence/attack once more and look for a good spot where to camp at in defence for me :D
kk we will 0)
ok boss, np , and NICE ego quitting cuz I was whining at your amazing fops skills btw! xD
true, i was sort of annoyed :D but actually my net went down and i couldnt be arsed to check when it came back, so i watched TV and went to sleep :DD
mardy arse!!! anyway, I'll speak to you later about a matter or 2....
k, just remember i'll be coming late
Now then Mardy Bum
I see your frown
And it's like looking down the barrel of a gun
And it goes off

mardy bum, not arse !
bollocks, its ARSE!
please (hand). you need a merc tonight >:D?
doubt about the vids watching since every single player got some supicious actions in every singel war
Hmmm some thoughts about it:
1] Yeah PB is more of a problem than solution against cheaters, every update they make is lagging out PC, crashing games etc. For me this tool doesn't work for 2 years now, only brainless idiots get caught, so what's the point in using something which doesn't work ? Well i think just about any.
At this point it takes 5min to find source code of PB and based on that few hours to write something which will bypass this crap.
X-Ray might be a good solution on the short run, because i don't believe anyone can keep up with updates x)
2] The whole config thing for 3o3 and 6o6 doesn't guarantee you anything. Those things are checked on client side config right? So if you are using some QoS service on router or packet management you can change it to what ever you want. So this is still a problem and will be
3] Clan leaders often don't care is people are using hacks or not. As you said pure prof of this is trivium
..we should do something serious, but I think nothing will ever happen.. :(
kam onlain
You can't do it.It will not work,cause noone cares about it.
All are crying about cheaters,but they dont want to do something against this.

The second thing which I don' understand in this community is:
All guys know that gnajda is cheating obvious,see the last forum posts.

gnajda is cheating for sure,but the clanbase and cf admins don't care about it.So in this point we got nothing to say.We make the game,we are the community,so why the hell are we not allowed to ban obvious cheaters like gnajda?
u say nobody does smth against cheater.. u too..

u want to make a avi from me... i dont see one :>
Oh plz?Didn't u felt my ironic?

Ur really stupid XD
Why should I do an avi?Cause ur so uberduperhigh?

One solution - Dont play against AoW and all is ok =)
and why dont playing against aow? cos u think we cheat.. haha ^^

ur so stupid.. first u say u make an avi and bust me on crossfire and then do nothing and say it was ironic.. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I respect the fact that your trying to help ET, and make the community a much "better" place, however your ideas aren't 100% fullproof and various loopholes can be seen in them.

1` Turn off PB? Bad bad idea. Yes it _MIGHT_ stop organisations like NC making purchasable cheats - however due to no PB, all the free cheats will be working and available, thus actually making more cheaters in ET than there is atm. Also, with PB enabled, you are right, it isn't the best anti cheat because it is rarely updated for ET however it acts as a deterant to discourage people from purchasing bots and it also blocks out SOME cheaters which obviously is better than nothing.

2` I agree with our own configs. As far as i know crossfire have their own configs already but i'm not exactly sure what's in them and what's different from CB used configs. Although new configs won't help drasticly, it will help, as you said make it easier to see who is cheating and who is just lagging/lotto shooting, and would create an overall better atmosphere in the community because people would probably not be acusing each other in every single war..

3` Your idea about harsher rules, that are to be enforced universally in all leagues might be a little hard to incorporate but it might work. Although it's not hard to create a "new identity" for leagueplay (if you get busted), and also many cheaters probably couldn't care about leagues etc

4` I think "highskillers" have better things to do than look through demos each day - I know i would. Although your suggestion works in theory, i doubt it'll work in practice because how do you decide whether or not someone is cheating (and 100% sure) Where do you draw the line between cheating and not cheating?. I can only see this leading to arguments because two different "Anti Cheat Staff" said one person cheats and the other doesn't when they are both equally as suspisious as each other etc. - Unless you get all 30 Staff's opinions and come to a conclusion by getting a majority or something - This could take a while though. Besides, why do you suggest only experienced players (gives me the impression you want "old school" players) People playing ET for years doesn't make them automaticly clean - Ask perfo.

5` About donating hacks to PB - I thought your first idea was to disable PB all together?

Pay £1 a month for a website about a free game. Unless you intend to kill crossfire then no thanks.

(sorry if this doesn't make much sense, i just woke up not long ago :()
Quoteto catch players by demos we have to choose small group of players 30. I prefare old player with huge game experience (example night, reload, pumu)

yeee.. and they have nothing more interesting to do...
Make PB better, don't turn it off..
Fucking stupid idea --
o cmon i just woke up ...
1.x-ray is shit. lemme tel u some ideas ;)

2.) Buying hax wont work, because you make nC even more known and rich. stop it. You did it twice it was good, but if you still buy you only make them rich and known

3.) make a deal with pb. let them give us there bank account information where we can donate like u told. but not for a bot. For a new version of punkbuster, they can do something better now they know how cheats as etbot and bimbot works.

4.) THE MAPS, the are soo many maps in ET, but we only spend attention to the ones we know. we need also some experienced players that r gonna search new maps... ( i had a site with 300+ ET maps but lost it:( )

still sleeping :<
i rly liek the first idea.. with recruting only trusted players.. but tbh.. clans like trivium dont care? 6 players..6 cheaters... or atleast 4 or smth..

the small group:
well r u sure that these guys would do the job? its nice idea.. and would also work i guess... but first we need this persons.. and in my opinion it should be also that 1 players has to do more than only 1 strange action in a demo. smth like slajdan,kenta.. with 3-4 strange shit stuff in 1 match
sry but ur ideas are useless.

1st. pb is doing good job keeping out the cheapest hax and public cheats. if u shut down pb all that will come back

2nd. where the fuck u will gather players that would like to watch demos all the fucking

3rd. those private nC cheats are rly hard to detect with ur own eyes. u kno people use it in ettv matches..

4th. lets say that if your ideas will come to use, then imo our ET community would be retarded enough to "remove" all the players they dislike.
I got one idea:

Kick FF and take over / impact back to ec.
my idea is we ban all Poland from all Leagues then we make it like DDR and build a Wall finisch
Quoteto catch players by demos we have to choose small group of players 30. I prefare old player with huge game experience (example night, reload, pumu) U ask what they shoud do? Its simple if someone will have some strange demo recorded he can sent it that to one of them (descriptions of that demo have to be like “strange actions/moment time : (3.35) (12.04)…) plus screenshot from the game with guid and pb guid. First guy from that group after watch, if if he will see something suspiction, he should make topic on forum with vote yes/no (only membership ppl can vote) after vote have to make descriprion why he decide that?
The same demo have to be watched by more ppl from the chosen group. If at least 75% of them vote “yes its was to strange to be real” we catch a cheater.

lul worst idea ever.
if u pay me mani, i will write an anti cheat pb or update it.
just make killerboy CB C&A superduperadmin so he can just ban everybody
most cheaters are polaks :/ ... i bet they steal those cheats :S
says the cheaterlover :D::D:D::D
reply of a lowtard ... :S
:D:D:D: keep the ego flowing

/quit ET
/start CoD 4

more retartet commens
everyone sends demos in to trusted players only. not clanbase.
Its true tho, cb wont ban unless its 100% hardcore evidence, which is why gnajda still plays, and which is why the ET highskill scene is ruined right now.

if we sent it to trusted player that would just ban on OBVIOUS demos, which would happen. then we would atleast narrow that problem down.
1. Stop playing ET
2. Dont give a fuck and keep on whining against coders
3. Get also haxes
i like the first idea :)
nice initiative

I think I will do the same.I ask AoW for it.

for what ?
hax0rs by kaltem Ice =)
;DDDDDDD und coldi is der lowste ausm team ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i stopped reading after
Quote1st First of all we have to turn off punk buster

Member For: 0 days
The only solutions:

go back to rtcw.

The problems of ET is that its a free game. Since everybody know it , they don't care at all cuz they didnt spend 60€ like for a new game and they wont be banned of it if they cheat etc...

Just go back on rtcw and I think it will be ok :D
Ppl make a payable mod and thats all:) just buy the mod a new mod of c in which you have one guid to use at your computer:) easy? The game will change from usless free game to game inwchich cheating will be punished by banning this particular gudi thats my idea:)
Medivh911 = Polish whiner! ^^

Kiewan<3Wesexybo -> Same meaning
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