pbss upload

How to make like that if server takes pbss then it will be automaticly uploaded to web. I have googled but there is weird tutorials that i cant undestand. So Maybe someone make me fast easy tutorial how to make it.
just make the pb ss and upload with random site? :\
depends if the ftp is on the same server as your gameserver
think you can send them via ftp using

PB_SV_SsPath //ftp.yourftp.com

ftp site has to have anonymous access allowed or you will have to start messing around with passwords and usernames. dont get this confused with the PB webtool which is just for admin like rcon.

Like cryptz said above not sure if the ftp has to be located same place as server. I just have never used it :P
Well I just set my pb_sv_sspath to /some/random/dir/ and then add a virtualhost on my webserver for it ^^
or you just symlink the dir with the shots to one thats served through http (works on most webservers when file permissions are set correctly)
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