Need a sAs?
Yo, I now have the time to play et more because of wierd shifts at work !
-Wouldn't be bad to be a backup, but a mainspot in a lineup would have to be discussed and i'd need to know pracc times etc etc..
-Without any exceptions i would be available most weekdays after 22pm gmt
-You can forget about counting on me on a friday or a saturday night.
-I'm around med skill
-Don't have many ex-clans... TL (8D), cdap, inmotion,
-I'm best placed as a medic without a doubt, can play engi smg aswell though.. Soldier, Rifle, Fieldops are all out of the picture, unless you wanna see more team dmg given than actual dmg.
-I'm also quite possibly among the best looking people here on crossfire, so that's always a plus when playing et.
-Oh and my english isn't that bad i suppose!
P.S. I do NOT whine !
Edit: Forgot the main thing! Those mongol shifts at work are "2 days 10-12 hour shifts" then 2 days of then then again "2 days 10-12 hour shifts" and then "2 days off" etc.. So those 2 days in a row that i'm not working, i have exactly nothing to do because every single person i know is working at the time, so I have nothing better to do than play et ! so technically im avi all day 2 days in a row and also every other weekend im not working, so i could play during DAY i suppose!
-Wouldn't be bad to be a backup, but a mainspot in a lineup would have to be discussed and i'd need to know pracc times etc etc..
-Without any exceptions i would be available most weekdays after 22pm gmt
-You can forget about counting on me on a friday or a saturday night.
-I'm around med skill
-Don't have many ex-clans... TL (8D), cdap, inmotion,
-I'm best placed as a medic without a doubt, can play engi smg aswell though.. Soldier, Rifle, Fieldops are all out of the picture, unless you wanna see more team dmg given than actual dmg.
-I'm also quite possibly among the best looking people here on crossfire, so that's always a plus when playing et.
-Oh and my english isn't that bad i suppose!
P.S. I do NOT whine !
Edit: Forgot the main thing! Those mongol shifts at work are "2 days 10-12 hour shifts" then 2 days of then then again "2 days 10-12 hour shifts" and then "2 days off" etc.. So those 2 days in a row that i'm not working, i have exactly nothing to do because every single person i know is working at the time, so I have nothing better to do than play et ! so technically im avi all day 2 days in a row and also every other weekend im not working, so i could play during DAY i suppose!
good english
He is indeed one of the sexiest ET players in the scene.
Would be nice to see him in a clan again now he has time off from flipping burgers in his job, mongol :D
I promise he's not med, atleast high, he's too humble to admit.
take him already, fags :\
GL sexy :P
Good luck mate ;-D
who needs them when you have "sayeret matkal" :O)
ata tovvvvvv
;D oj mate gl
Gl m8
Legend Icelandic
deserves nothing less then a top clan.
gl matey!
U can be hitmans bitch again, but the rest will be in bed before that :/
Edit: Oh i forgot that i needed to express my self. I noticed that picture of you in your profile and i have to say, i never pictured you as an handsome guy, came as a surprise to me :D (L)
og já við ætlum að reyna vera actívir í Clanbase og sollz og hver veit nema team ice verði í wc eða nc ;)
btw þú veist samt alveg að við eigum flest allir kærustur og fleira þannig mátt ekki búast við últra activity :d spilum samt nokkra leiki á dag :)
.awesome player
.can have fun
.got brains
.good taste in music
.nearly as sexy as me
(thats what i was supposed to say wasnt it robbie ? :P ) jokin gl mate