some martini for c3nty plz

Hey guys,
after a long time playing for Russiabanda Germanymartini and Germanyme decided to quit and try our luck somewhere else

Well, speaking of classes iam rifle and martini is medic. We dont want to do something like "What we offer" "What u offer" and stuff
just pm us at
if ur interested in new players and we can do testgame and blabla

(dont pm if u got an clanleader whos talking like every 5-10sec 500words about misstakes and bullshit, thx)
gl c3nty boy nice guy skilled good on coms and very active take him
I thought you were leaving ET after reading the first sentence :p
i was close to, rly mate
GL, its a nice guy good skill and good brain i wish you a big

image: good_luck_graphics_07
gl ucheniki velikogo mighty bro
doro is better ;)
try doro with wodka
500 words in 5 seconds :oooo
gl c3nty
gl 2 c3nty
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