Whats your favourite food?

Since this is the new "On Topic" forum which is strictly moderated I wanted to take the chance to ask this important question to the whole community

Whats your favourite food?

Please understand that as tosspot stated you can NOT post anything else in this thread except whats directly related to the question.

Suggested format:

I like <food>, because <short reason>

thank you
schaschlik, russian style

image: schaschlik_klein

image: EPSN1722

image: 1777pm
I like Hamburgers, preferably made myself.

image: DSCF0108
I like pizza, which was made by me.

image: pizza-hut-pizza
hello lab, pizza is a nice dish but dont you think the above one is from pizza hut?
hello cheaSy - since this is the on-topic forum and no spam is allowed, please add a short explanation to your food instead of just posting a picture, thanks
There is none
Yes there is! Netherlands Frituurkoning dellekes, from the shop or self-made?! French fries from the shop or self-made?!
yes self made pizza is nice, but i usually get ready dough from the supermarket and just throw what i want into it.

the dough:stuff ratio usually ends up having 5 times more stuff on the pizza than dough ^^
I like Qyz, because food.
i like dogs, they are hot
broodje worst!
Saure Lunge mit Semmelknödel ( i try to translate cause not only the germans have the right to puke )

sour lung with semmelknoedel (babelfish, = ball of rolls?!?)

no joke...

image: 0625_2
durum,because it's jummy for my tummy!!!!!

And ofc... pizza or döner kebap. :)
kebab or pyzy
Chinese vegetable spring rolls!
image: camembert_300x193
I like mostly of the Bosnian/Balkan food my mom makes :p <3 Burek, Sirnice <3

I also like pizza made by my mom <3

image: pizza


image: doner


image: fries
Tajine, A morrocan dish which combine meat + vegetables (NO SHIT ??)..

image: tajine-1
indian, thai, red meats, game, kebab, durum
portuguese steak
I like Frikandellen and Italian food, because i like it.
kebab with frenchpotatoes and tortillas
Is nutella only known in the Benelux?
or also known in Asia / America ..

I think nobody respons you because they don't know the good taste of real choco !!!

Nutella <3
BUT !!
I also like: duo Choco => white & black mmmm
mostly all kind of mexican food, döner kebab, shoarma
image: sauerkraut

Sauerkraut and bratwurst mhhhhhhhhhhhh delicious
einfach so die copyrights von Herrn Hartmann verletzen? Das wird teuer... :D
sry harald!
image: dimsum2
Dim Sum: when I was in Hong Kong I ate that stuff every morning :D
hello cuttyp
time machine anyone?

Cuisses de grenouilles (froglegs or smt) ftw
spaghetti carbonara teh bezttt :>

image: INGUFYTH0092

image: Spaghetti_Carbonara

yam yam :D
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