fps flip, wtf?

Hey, I did buy a new pc with windows XP SP2
Manufacturer: ECS
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 2048MB RAM
Hard Drive: 320 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
Monitor: SyncMaster 910MP
Sound Card: C-Media USB Sound Device
Speakers/Headphones: USB Headset HS-4100 / 640U Silverline USB Headset
Mouse: Logitech G5

And I installed ET, 2.60, 2.60b all that stuff, and did set in my config I brought with me.

And now when I join anykind of server - The FPS counter flips from something like 24 to 76 and makes lagg every 2nd second.
If I restart and connect again, the fps work sometimes. But sometimes I can restart and connect 100 times before it works, and sometimes just 1-2 times.

Anybody know how to fix that :s?
try google or the search function instead of asking FUCKING RETARDED QUESTIONS THAT WAS ANSWERED 1000000000000000000000000000 BILLION TIMES BEFORE
#chill.et :oo
Quote2 CPU's

*sigh*, when will they ever learn it :<
but most of them set it to 1 cpu and it didnt help !!!
I wasn't talking about that... I was talking about the fact that 75 % of the people think that Dual Core or Quad Core is something which lets you have 2 or 4 processors. It lets you have 2 (DUAL) or 4 (QUAD) cores, that's the reason why they named it like that.
People are retarded aswell.
The problem is that the definitions are somewhat ambiguous.

Intel Quad core is actually two dual core dies in a Multi-Chip Module, and even a single CPU core can be argued to fall under the original definition of "CPU" (logic machines that can execute computer programs). In other words you get four CPUs when you buy one Intel Core 2 Quad processor.
Open ET

open console

wait for pnkstrb to initalize

connect ip
Haha, and you really think that affects your ET? :D
I don't think, I know for a fact that if I connect before pnkstrb initalizes, I get 1fps spikes once every second. I was just trying to help, since this helps me. shut up, lowtard.
Never helped me, so you stfu lowtard.
Well maybe it will help him, why do you have to be a dick?
and you calling me lowtard :D
At least I have a dick...
are you like 7 years old or are these comebacks meant to be retarded
They're meant to be retarded, so u can understand what I'm saying.
well actually that helps to solve lag problems for some people :]

EDiT: what an amazing profile gif you've got :Þ
nvidia + duel core .
control panel > nvidia control panel > advanced settings > manage 3d settings > program select ET > threaded optimisation > turn that off
fo >:E stalker
xDDD im too handsome to stalk u, wnb :~D <3
nah thats not it, i have it sometimes and i just have to reboot my pc to fix it :/
and i havent got nvidia
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT ???
hehe nicely owned that scumbag homie :D
cant u get some decent topic names?

that wasn't funny (atleast for me it wasnt :<)
when your in ET open task manager and go to et process and set affinity to only 1 cpu, then set priority to high, also if you have vsync on turn it off, hey presto problem solved ;)
problem solved, thx.
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